Bonus Chapter 2

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Savannah's POV

"Come on Savannah, you are taking forever in there" I hear Laken exclaim from the doorway of the bathroom.

I place the plastic stick down on the counter, before going over and unlocking the door before sitting down on the edge of the tub.

Here it is 3 and a half years later, and Laken and I are sitting in another bathroom waiting for another timer to go off. Morgan and Hardy took Delilah out earlier for their weekly daddy and uncle H day, so they are all gone for a while.

"How long do we have to wait again?" Laken asks, walking in the bathroom.

"3 minutes" I state with a groan.

She let's out a chuckle, before setting a timer on her phone and setting it on the counter.

"Were you guys even trying?" Laken asks, as she sits down next to me on the tub.

I shake my head no, before leaning on my elbows, burying my face in my hands.

"I don't even know if he will be excited about this honestly" I admit, looking over at her with tears in my eyes.

She sighs, before pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm sure he will be Sav, he love's Lilah, and I've heard him joke about a sibling for her. It's just a matter of if it's positive or not" she tells me.

"Can we honestly handle two kids and a tour coming up too, I feel like it'll be too much" I admit looking up at her.

"You do realize that I will be with you this tour too, along with Michael. You will have extra hands if you need them. Don't ever worry about being alone in this" she tells me.

A few seconds later, the timer goes off, and we both jump up.

"Oh shit" we both say in unison.

Morgan's POV

As we pull back up to the house, I see Savannah and Laken sitting on the porch laughing.

"Those two are up to no good" Hardy states with a chuckle.

"Is mom and Aunt Lake here?" I hear Delilah ask from the backseat.

I turn around to her and look at her with a smile.

"They are, do you want to go see them?" I ask her.

As soon as I say that she starts jumping up and down in her seat. I turn off the truck, before getting out, and helping her out of the back.

"Be careful please" I say as Delilah takes off towards the front porch.

Her only goal being reaching her mom and one of her favorite aunts. Hardy and I make our way up the porch, as Laken takes Delilah inside. I quickly lean down and give Savannah a kiss, before sitting in the swing next to her.

"What did you girls do today?" I ask, looking over at Savannah.

"We did a little shopping earlier, but mostly just hung around here" she tells me.

The front door opens a few minutes later, and I see Laken carrying Delilah with a smiling Hardy behind her.

"Hey Lilah, why don't you show Daddy your new shirt we got you today" Laken tells Delilah before putting her down.

Delilah looks at me with a smile, before pointing to her shirt.

I look at if for a second, before reading it. My head shoots over to Savannah, before looking at the shirt again.

"Am I reading that right?" I ask Savannah.

"Hey Lilah, tell daddy what your shirt means" Laken asks, bending down next to Delilah.

"It mean's I am going to be a big sister daddy, isn't that so cool" she tells me jumping up and down.

I stand up and turn to Savannah pulling her up after me.

"Are you sure?" I ask, pulling Savannah closer to me.

She reaches down and puts something in my hands. I look down to see a pregnancy test with a very clear plus sign on it.

"Holy shit" I exclaim dropping the stick.

I wrap my arms around Savannah's waist and spin her around before setting her back down and placing a kiss on her lips.

"You're going to be a daddy again" she tells me with a slight tear in her eyes.

"We're having another baby" I state, before pulling her in for another kiss.

"I hope it's another girl" Hardy states with a chuckle before giving each of us a hug.

"Bite your tongue man, I can only handle so much pink" I tell him with a chuckle.

Later that night, we put Delilah down, before going and sitting on the back porch.

I pull Savannah down on my lap and place my hand over her stomach.

"Are you sure we can handle this Morgan?" she asks, looking over at me.

"Why would you ask me that? Of course, we can" I tell her, pulling her closer to me.

She sighs, before snuggling closer into my chest.

"Just with everything going on this year, now we are adding a new baby into the mix, and it scares me" she admits.

I tilt her head up slightly, before giving her a kiss.

"Savannah, no matter what we will be able to handle this. We are a team baby girl. The only difference is that you will have me by your side the entire 9 months for whatever you need. We got this, don't ever doubt that" I tell her.

A small smile comes to her face.

"I love you" she tells me.

"I love you, and our little peanut. I just hope I get a boy this time" I say with a chuckle.

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