"When Will You Believe Me, Birdie?"

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Keigo POV

I walk slowly into the office, once entering Nezu and Enji both are glaring at me with anger. What's going on?

"Is everything okay?"

Enji grunts and stares at me. "No! Its obviously isn't!" I blink and rub my head in confusion. "What's wrong?" I ask. Nezu walks over, holding out a cell phone. Most likely his.

"This was captured by a passing student."

I glance at the screen, the brightness hurting my eyes. When my eyes finally decide to focus, I see a low quality video of me talking to Touya. No frick, frick no! This can't be happening!!

"H-How do you know it's me?" I ask. Its hard to keep the worry and pure horror out of my voice.

"Your the only one with this quirk, do you really think we're that stupid Hawks!?" Enji grunts. I look away from Nezu's phone and look at Enji. Who is currently, mentally sending daggers into my chest.

"Good point, but it could of also been a very well done cosplay." I say raising my pointer finger and giving him my usual smirk. Enji grunts once more and walks out of the room. I turn to Nezu.

"But if it was me, it wouldn't exactly mean to much."

Nezu looks at me, lifts a hand and starts to speak. "It would actu-"

"I have to stop you right there, Nezu. We can't really tell if it is or isn't me. And if I was talking to a villian, it would be for information purposes."

Nezu sighs. "Right, but it could also be a relationship." Only if you knew... "Yes, that's true. But I'm sure it isn't." Nezu looks at me and nods. "Yeah, I think we were being silly, you wouldn't be with a villian. Right?" I nod. "Yes Sir." He makes a waving motion with his hand. "Your free to go Hawks." I give a small chuckle and wave back at him. "Thanks Nezu! See you tomorrow." I make my way out of the office as quickly as possible.

After I leave UA, I run and take off quick as light. With my wings spread out and flapping powerful strokes, I feel free and alive. But not all great. The video Nezu showed me is stuck in my mind. I shake my head and try to ignore it, but its nearly impossible. So instead, I take my phone out of my pocket and call Touya.

"Hey Kei." Touya's deep, rough, voice comes after the first ring. "Hey..." I say. "Is something wrong?" He asks. Sighing, I reply, "Sorta....but its also been a hard and long day as well..." Touya sighs, "You can tell me about it when you get home. Right now focus on flying so you don't run into anything. Again." I roll my eyes. Of course he says that. "And also please tell Shiloh to stop trying to use his quirk." He adds.

"He's trying to use his quirk?"

"Yes. And I dont want him hurt like me."


"See you soon Birdie."

"See you soon Hun."

Touya hangs up after a few seconds and I try to focus on getting home. And NOT running into anything as Touya had stated. A month or so ago, I had been so exhausted after work. Because of that, it caused me to run straight on into a building. And I had a headache for two weeks and was miserable.

But Touya was also, why? Because I tend to be very clingy. That clingyness gets worse when I'm sick, tired, and hurt. So not only was I miserable with a literal migrain, Touya was miserable trying to get personal space.

After a thirty minute fly around the city, I drop down infront of the new and improved L.O.V. base. I open the door slowly, just as expected, Shiloh runs to me instantly. "Mama!" I laugh gently and pick him up."Hello to you to sweetie.."

"Shi' I told you not to run straight to mommy every time she gets home-"

Touya walks into the room, a bit of stern exspression on his face. "No, it's fine Hun." I say. Shiloh lays his head on my shoulder and snuggles up to me. "I missed you Mama." He sighs. "I missed you to baby." I kiss the top of his head and set him down on the couch. I grave his blanket off the top of the plush light grey chair and cover him up. Shi' lays down and closes his eyes. Soon, he's fast asleep.

I make my way to Touya and collapse into his arms. "Tired?" He asks. "Mhm" I groan. I lay my head on his chest, soon his head is on mine. He rubs my back slowly in circles, going up, and then down. It feels great, especially after a long day of work. "I missed you..."

"I missed you to Birdie."

"Yeah...I know."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!! Nothing, nothing at all."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Don't worry."

Touya lifts my head with my chin, and presses his thumb onto my lower lip. I quiver at the touch, even though he's done it so much, it still tickles me half to death. "U-uhh-" I don't know what to say, it's a lot to handle right now. Especially since I just got off work. 

"I know your not okay..."

Those words, those words are the ones that completly caught me off guard. He moves his thumb off my lip and pulls me to him. With his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, he forces me to look into his eyes.

"Your not okay, are you?"

"What!? No, no! I'm just fine!!"

He scoffs and brings me closer. His hand now holding my head still to were I can't move it. "Hun-"

He kisses me...

Slowly, passionately and everything else....

He kisses me.

I close my eyes and give in, leaning into him without any hesitation. He pulls away, though I wish he hadn't. I want more. So much more...

"Your thinking about that again, aren't you?"


"Your thinking how I even ended up loving you, aren't you?"

I try to step back, he doesn't let me. I try to look away, he doesn't let me. He knows...he knows what I'm thinking. He knows that I think that I ain't eveough for him. He knows....he knows a lot. A heck of lot.

"How many times...."

"How many times what?"

"How many times do I have to tell you I love you?"

A pause...

"How many times do I have to tell you for you to belive me?"

I stay silent.

"Tell me..."

"There's nothing to tell you-"

"Yes, there is..."


He presses my lip again with his thumb, keeping my head up.

"When will you belive me, Birdie?"

Yep, cliffhanger. Sorry y'all! Anyway, write in the comments what you think will happen. Give me ideas for the next chapter even.  Zoran out.

Time: Idk a lot of days honestly because of lack of motivation.

Inspiration: Some other fanfics I've read and just my imagination.

Words: 1,182

Bye my lovelies!!!

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