Together Forever

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Keigo POV

I groan, Shiloh jumping up and down constantly. "When!?" He asks. I sigh. "In two more months." I say. He really cannot wait any longer, can he? "I want Suzuko to be here now!" He cries.

Oh jeez....

"You can't rush your little sister, Shi'." Touya says coming up behind me.
"Why not!?"

"Because that isn't how it works."

Shi' huffs, sitting down beside me on the park bench. We came a few hours ago, the sun had been setting. It's dark out now, probably it least ten at night. We sit underneath a dark maple tree, eating ice cream. Stuff Shi' should definatly not have at this time of night.

I glance up at the stars, wishing, hoping I could just fly and spread my red wings. Wishing I could feel the moonbeams across my wings as the flutter. Though, I know I can't. So that's why, it's just a thought. It'd been cold the last few days, and so we're all in puffy jackets and pants. Well, all except for Touya.

Hints his power after all.

All three of us stare up at the night sky, watching as the stars twinkle and comments fly. I lay my head on Touya's shoulder, closing my eyes. I couldn't wait for Suzuko to be here. Because then, Shi' won't be alone. He'll have someone to look after, someone to care for.

I just hope, that no matter what, we'll be able to stay together forever. Even if it's in life, or death.

I don't want our family to be torn to shreds. I want to be able to have a nice, loving family. A family, Touya always wanted. A family, I've always wanted.

But I guess....

Only time will tell...

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