Are We Able To Fix Something So Bad? Yes, With Something Even Worse

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Keigo POV

It's been a few hours since the incident with the other Pros happened, Nezu had let me do my daily patrol, and so far so good I guess. I've not seen anything to crazy or out the ordinary yet. Which is most days, but sometimes things get bad. Like a robbery or money stolen, sometimes maybe a purse. But nothing like a murder or fire.

I fly a bit higher, flapping my red feathered wings with a bit more force. I float higher and spread my wings further. Letting the air cool them off from such a hot day. I sigh and fly around town again for the tenth time. It's boring knowing I know all of it and what's going on.

Flying around one last time, I start heading back to U.A. Once there, I land and open the door with a bit of force. More force then I intended. I make it to the office and sit down in one of the soft black sofas. Leaning back, I let out a sigh of sort of relief, somewhat stressed.

"How did it go, Hawks?"

Midnight sits next to me and crosses her legs. Her breasts turned my way, as if just begging to be laid. "Fine, nothing to crazy." I reply turning my head away from her chest. This isn't something she does a little bit, it's something she does a lot. Like a hell of a lot. It bugs me yes, considering she doesn't know I'm trans, but it's also because I'm married.

"Well," She pauses looking at me with a smug exspression. "Well what?" I ask. There's a bit of bite in my tone. Would she just stop trying to get laid? She looks more intently at me. In the deepish, soft, sadistic voice of hers, she says; "Are you free this weekend? We could, you know, go out sometime."

She gives a wink at the end of her 'speech'. I roll my eyes and turn her way again. "No, actually. I have...plans." Her face becomes sad, but soon she perks up with; "What kind of plans, hm?" Oh my god....

I sigh. "Plans that you have no need to hear." I say. "Okay?" She asks seductively. I stand, turning completly away from her. "And just so you know," I say turning my head toward her. I begin to walk. "I'm married and have a son."

And with that, I walk away leaving her sad and speechless.

A another hour later, here I am flying home. Thank god...I hated today so much, it was unreal. I sigh and land infront of the base. Opening the door slowly, I walk inside.

Once I'm in the base, I see that Tomura, Kurogiri, and Toga are in the kitchen. Their talking in hushed voices and stop when they see me. "Yes, Hawks?" Tomura asks with a bored tone. "Where is Tou- I mean Dabi?" I ask. "Also where is Shiloh?"

Tomura smiles a bit and says; "Oh Dabi and the kid? Their running to the store. They'll be back soon." Thank goodness they haven't ran away. "Is Dabi it least wearing a descice?" I ask. It takes me so much to not say Touya. "He is yes." Tomura says.


"Why are you so worried about Dabi?" Toga asks. "You afraid if he doesn't someone will try to make out with him?" This child...

"No," I say. "I don't want the Pros to find him and capture him. Especially when he has our son with him." This answer seems to ease her so she doesn't question any further. Thankfully. "Well, they'll be back in just a few minutes." Kurogiri says seeing that I've calmed down.

As if on cue, the door opens and Shiloh runs in. A grey Walmart bag in his hand. "Mama!" He says. I get down on my knees, extending my arms. He runs to me and hugs me tightly. "Your home early." Touya says lifting an eyebrow of curiosity. "Yeah...Nezu let me come home early today." I say trying to keep the anger and worry out of my tone.

"Well, that's nice."


Touya puts the bags on the island of the bar, walking back to me with a bag still in his hand. "That-" Shi' begins. "Ah, you don't wanna ruin the surprise do you Shi'?" Touya says with a humorous tone. "No-" Shiloh says. "Exactly." What is going on...? What does he mean by "surprise"? I look at him with confusion. "What surprise, Hun?" I ask. "Come with me..." Touya replies with a smirk. "Okay...?"

Touya gently graves my wrist and pulls me into the bedroom. Once we're in there he locks the door so Shi' can't come in. "What are you doing this time Touya?" I ask. "Well...." He reaches into the bag and pulls out a box. Wtf? He hands to me. "Open it." Well, that was a very blunt order. I open the box, moving the plastic paper out of the way.

What was it? It was, to my surprise, and necklace. Well, two necklaces that connected. "Necklaces?" I ask. "No," Touya says graving the one to my left. He brings it to him and uses his thumbnail to open it. He turns it around, it's a picture of me and him when we went U.A. "It's a locket." Omg...

"Seriously!?" I say, a hint of emotion in my voice. Touya smiles and takes the other out of the box. He loops it over my head and he does the same to his. "Why did you-" Before I can finish asking, he pulls me to him and the lockets magnetically connect. "Did you see what it said on the front?" He asks. "No....?"

He pulls the connected lockets up and reads aloud; "Always On My Mind, Forever In My Heart." I'm struck with a wave of tears, I bury my head into his chest and cry happily. With is arms around my waist, he holds me close. "I love them- I love them so much." I say.

"I'm glad..."

I look up, the joy that was in his exspression is gone. "What's wrong?" I ask. He places his thumb and pointer finger on my chin, tilting my head up. "The Pros what are we gonna do?" I freeze. "How do you know!?" I ask. "We were in the ventilation system, peeking at what was going on." Oh....I cry harder, but not from joy. I cry harder, from pure terror and fear. "What are we gonna do? Are we able to fix something so bad?" I ask.

He looks at me, tilting my head up more. "Yes," He says, planting a kiss onto my sore and moist lips. Pulling away after two minutes he says;

"With something even worse..."

I freeze, is he being serious right now!? "What!?" I ask in utter shock. "You heard me, Keigo." He says, plating yet another kiss onto my lips. I take it, closing my eyes and melting into his soft lips. Melting into the way he holds me, into the way he begins rubbing my waist. "Touya...stop...." I mumble under the kiss. He quits, pulling away again. Though, he still rubs my waist abruptly.

"The only way to fix something so bad," He says rubbing my waist a bit harder. "Is to do something even worse." He finishes. I lay my head his chest as he rubs yet even harder on my waist. "H-Hun..." I say trying to stiffle a moan. "What...?" He says looking at me with a sadistic exspression. "Stop-" I say. He rubs even harder. This time, a moan slips. "Mhmm...." I look at him, wishing he'd stop so I can rest. "Sto- ahhh...." He moves his hand lower, rubbing against my you know what. "S-stop...." I wish he would, even though it feels so good, I want to sleep.


Apparently satisfied, he stops surprisingly. "Why..." I mutter annoyingly. "Because I can." He says bluntly. Of course you can.
He looks at me with a hopeful exspression."You do like the locket right?" He asks. "Yes! I love it Hun..." I say kissing his cheek. "I think we should go back out there, their probably wondering why it's taking us so long." I say. "Yeah, your right Love." He replies. Pullimg away, the lockets unlatch. They don't break, nor do they open. They just, unlatch. Graving my hand, Touya walks to the door and unlocks it. goes everything we have. But like Touya said;

"The only way to fix something so bad, is to do something even worse...."


This is like, the longest chapter by far. My motivation for this went down a few times. Mostly cause I couldn't think of ideas....

Time: Idk

Words: 1,536

Idea/Inspiration: My brain and fake scenarios from dreams I had last night. Or just made up in my head while listening to music.

Zoran out!!!!

Wait- any of you want a you know- sus chapter??? My mind is rolling with ideas. Maybe Shiloh gets another sibling later on? 👀 but that'll be later on ofc. Anyway-

NOW Zoran out lol-

This took so looonnngg- 😭😭😭

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