Sleep and Honey, Butter Glazed Chicken

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Keigo POV

"I-" I try to move away, but he keeps me in place.

"When will you belive me, Birdie?"

I don't know what to say, he won't let me speak because his thumb is still on my lower lip. "Tou-" I barely get his name out before he removes his thumb from my lip. It's sort of a little squeak that ends up coming out. Why does he do this so often?

He starts to rub my back again, pressing his nose to mine. "Touya, what are you planning?" I ask. "What am I planning?" He laughs.

"A lot of things...."


"You'll find out...eventually."

Okay. This isn't what I thought he'd say. At all. So instead of questioning further, I just roll with what he gives me. Because I know he'll tell me eventually just as he said. So I'll wait. I lean into him and sort of collapse again, I'm so tired that my body can't take it. "I-" I try to speak but it doesn't work, I can barely function. "What is it?" Touya asks.

"I-I'm tired..." I finally choke out. Touya picks me up, hands firmly holding onto my lower back and legs. I lay my head on his shoulder, along with my legs around his waist. "You wanna lay down for a bit?" He asks. I lift my head a notch and reply; "Yeah, but just until dinner." Touya makes me lay my head back down, so instinctively, I close my eyes. "Don't worry about dinner tonight, Love. I'll make it."

"No I can-" He cuts me off; "You will not, your tired and need to sleep. Plus, I'll make you favorite." He adds favorite because he knows how I won't stop arguing if he doesn't. "Fine..." I mutter. "But you better actually make the chicken like you did a few months ago." I add. "You didn't know make it right the last time." Touya laughs.

"I'll make sure to make it just how you like it Kei..."

"You better!"

"I will. Now, you ready to lay down?"


I sigh a breath of relief, I finally get to lay down after a long, stressful day. Touya carries me into our bedroom, he sets me on the bed and then takes off the thick fur coat. I feel instantly cold, I don't know why but I freeze easily. "Here..." Touya says taking of his black leather jacket. He wraps the warm material over my shoulders and lays me down gently. "You want some sweatpants to put on?"

"No, I'm alright." He nods. "Alright." I was used to sleeping in my work pants, it happens every time after work. So really, it doesn't bother me anymore. Touya cover me up to my chest, then making his way out of the room. He cracks the door to where only a little thin line of light comes through.

Now completly quiet and peaceful, I close my eyes. I don't fall asleep right away, and so I'm stuck twisting and turning for an hour or so. I groan, why can't I get any sleep? Was it because of happened with Enji and Nezu this afternoon? I'm not sure. I turn back on my left side facing the door, again, I try to close my eyes. Finally, just finally! I fall asleep.

I wake up with a gentle kiss to my cheek, I groan and roll over wanting to be alone. "Oh come on Birdie," I hear Touya say. "It's time to get up." I groan once again. "Nooo...." I feel the bed dip a bit as Touya sits down beside my numb body. "You gotta get up and eat, Shiloh already woke up and ate." Yet, another groan. "Nooooo! I want t-" I'm unable to finish the sentence, Touya moves his hand along a line of very, very, sensitive feathers. "H-Hey!" I open my eyes and look at him.
"Ahh... Stop it!" I bat his hand away and try lay back down.

"You have to get up and eat, your the one that asked me to make your favorite chicken." Dang it, he has a point. "Fine...." I grumble. With the help of Touya's strong hands, I mange to get myself off the bed without toppling. Soon, as I'm now leaning against Touya's chest, I smell the amazing smell of Honey, butter glazed chicken. I crack my eyes open and stumble into the kitchen, Touya at my heels to make sure I don't fall. "Hey Mama!" Shiloh says. He's playing with a cluster of dinosaur figurines in the middle of the living room carpet.

"Hey baby!" Shi' smiles brightly, his diamond blue eyes lighting up. Touya's eyes infact. "Did you sleep well?" He asks. "I did, how about you sweetie?"

"Good! I had the coolest dream!"

"Really? What was it about?" Whils Shi' starts to go into a whole story about his dream, I make my way to the island and sit down. As I Listen to Shi's every word, Touya sets a plate of food infront of me. "And that's how it ended." Shiloh says. "Woah, really? That's quite a dream isn't it?" I ask. "Yep! And it was a good one!" I can't help but smile, I love to listen to Shi' tell stories. I turn to the plate of food as Touya sits beside me. "Did you sleep well? I kinda noticed you were turning and twisting a lot." Touya whispers.

I lift a full fork of macaroon to my mouth and blow. "No. Not really." Once cooled, I place the fork in my mouth. Chewing slowly, I swallow without choking. Thankfully. "Why not?" Touya asks once I set the fork in the plate. "I don't know..." I reply. "I just couldn't. Though, something happened before I left work that's been stuck in my mind."

"What was it?"

I begin telling Touya about what had happened with Nezu and Enji, aka his father. Once I get to the part about the video, he's listening and dripping off my every word. "So your telling me, my father and Nezu found out about us talking in the alleyway?" He asks. "Yes." I say. His eyes flash evilly for a quick second, clearing his head he says;

"Well, there isn't much we can do is there?"


"We'll figure something out. Don't worry about it right now


Touya leans in and kisses my temple, making me feel almost a hundred percent better. I continue to eat in silence, chewing and swallowing slowly. I might be kicked off the hero force, but I'll still hopefully have my husband and son to be with. So, I calm myself down as much as possible. Eating the best food made by my most amazing and caring husband.

Yep, chapter two is done! Even though I hardly had any motivation and I started this at 4:18 in the morning today, it's done and over with! It was hard to come up with ideas, at first the pros were gonna find out about Dabihawks, but then I scrapped that idea. And then that tunred into this. So I hope you enjoyed chapter two.

Time: A day

Idea/Inspiration: My brain.

Words: 1,205

Zoran out!! ^-^ :) ;)

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