26 - Scarier

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Stephanie: “What's scarier, Damian after someone hurts Marinette or Marinette after someone hurts Damian?”

Jason: “Let's find out!”

*Jason punches Damian in the face with zero hesitation. He hesitates for a second...and then punches Marinette's arm*

Marinette: “TIKKI, SPOTS ON!”

*Damian pulls out a katana as blood drips from his nose*

Tim slowly leaves the room: “...you just made a mistake of immeasurable consequences.”

Dick grabs a bowl of popcorn: “It was nice knowing ya!”

Stephanie sits besides Dick to watch Jason get destroyed: “Good luck...oh wait...one of the people you punched has the power of the goddess of luck on her side. Dude. You're so screwed.”

*Damian and Marinette stomp towards Jason*

Jason sweats nervously: “Haha...come on guys, let's talk about this.”

Alfred shakes his head in disappointment: “It will be such a nuisance to remove the blood stains from the carpet.”

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