89 - Baby's Room

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Marinette: “Damian al Ghul Wayne, what is this?”

Damian: “You asked me to help you decorate the baby's room? Don't you recall what you asked of me this morning?”

Marinette: “Yes. A BABY'S ROOM. So why are there 24 katanas and swords mounted to the wall behind the crib?”

Damian sighs: “I know, it's not nearly enough. I'm having several dozen more blades shipped to the manor, but they haven't arrived yet.”

Marinette: “...”

Damian: “I also ordered a baby mobile that features shiny hanging daggers and pocket knives.”

Marinette: “...what?”

*Jason walks into the room*

Jason: “Hey, Demon Spawn, I heard that you were decorating the baby's room today so I brought some...baby stuff...are those 24 katanas and swords hung up on the wall?”

*Damian smiles proudly*

Damian: “I read an article that mentioned how many fathers place sports equipment in their child's room to encourage them to foster a positive association with sports. I plan to use the same tactic with these blades.”

*Jason looks extremely disappointed in his younger brother*

Jason: “Demon Spawn...where are the guns, glocks, and rifles?”

Damian: “Why would I place firearms in my child's bedroom?”

Jason: “You can't just force your own interests onto your kid! That's bad parenting! You should let them decide on their own interests, not your interests. What if they want to be a snipper? Or a forensic detective? Or an underground street fighter?”

Damian: “For once, you're right Todd, and I was mistaken. I'll order a full arsenal of weapons for my child to choose from!”

*Jason and Damian nodding in agreement*

Marinette: “...you ever heard of this thing called child safety?”

*The baby kicks inside Marinette*

Marinette: “Even our unborn child is concerned about this room!”

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