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Marissa awakes on the day of hers and Finnick's wedding bursting with excitement. The weeks of stressful arguing between Coin and Plutarch are finally paying off. (President coin didn't like the wedding plans, she was adamant that its going to be 'too extravagant' which only makes Marissa hate her more because Marissa finally getting to marry Finnick Odair, her soulmate, deserves to be a little extravagant. Her and Finnick deserve to enjoy themselves for once in their lives. Luckily for Marissa, Plutarch and Sterling are on her side and their wedding will be the most extravagant wedding possible given the circumstances.)

Marissa has never been more thankful for Sterling than she is at the present time because it turns out Sterling had designed and made Marissa a wedding dress years ago when she found out that her and Finnick were dating and she kept it with her all these years. The dress is beautiful. It's made up of deep blue waves of tulle which reaches the floor, with silver sparkles covering each layer and crystal detailing around the waist. The fabric around the torso delicately wisps away from the body of the dress like fish fins and it ties up in a corset at the back. It's a dress completely inspired by District Four and Marissa adores it. Even if she cannot be in District Four like she wants for her wedding, she has a piece of her home with her.

Marissa doesn't have fancy shoes or makeup to go with the dress but she doesn't care. She has the pearl bracelet back from Finnick sitting comfortably around her wrist and a beautiful dress inspired by her home and she gets to marry the most amazing man in the world and that's more than enough for her.

"Oh, Marissa! You look so wonderful. I just knew this dress was perfect for you," Sterling gushes, squeezing Marissa's hand. "Finnick will love it."

"I love it, Sterling. How did you even get it in here?" Marissa asks and Sterling smirks.

"Being part of the original rebellion team has a few perks."

Mira knocks impatiently on the door, interrupting Marissa and Sterling's conversation. "Are you dressed yet? We want to see you!"

Sterling opens the door for Marissa, allowing her to walk through it with no danger of damaging the dress. Mira and Mags light up when they see Marissa in her dress. Mag's eyes well with tears. She smiles widely, pulls her into a gentle hug and kisses Marissa's cheek softly.

"You look so hot. Finnick is going to die when he sees you," Mira blurts out. "He's definitely going to cry."

"He better," Sterling muses. "I spent months on this dress, it's worth a few tears at least. Anyway, we have to go now. You can't be late to your own wedding!"

Marissa turns to Mags who is still staring at her with teary eyes, "will you walk me down the aisle?"

❛ ━━━━━━・❪⚓️ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Marissa clutches tightly onto Mags' arm, her hands trembling as they get ready to walk down the aisle. Mira and Sterling are ahead of them so Mags reaches over with her free hand and squeezes Marissa's hand.

"I'm nervous," Marissa whispers to Mags. The older woman smiles knowingly and holds her closer. Marissa takes deep breaths and readjusts her dress as she waits for the music, provided by a choir of children and a singular fiddler who survived the bombings of District 12, to start. When it finally does, Mira and Sterling lead the way down the aisle and a trembling Marissa follows behind them. She holds Mags arm as hard as she could without injuring the older lady as all three hundred of the chosen citizens of 13 eyes turn to her. Marissa hasn't been in the spotlight like this since she was in the Capitol and a wave of panic rushes through her body but then, her eyes meet his.

Ocean Eyes - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now