20. only in dreams

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The next week, Nina, Dash, Delilah, and I have all settled on a good time and location for a double date.

A Wednesday evening at a restaurant nearby in the city met our standards. Finals will be approaching the 3 of us next month, and we decided that we have to have all our fun before we're in study mode. Delilah doesn't really care since she's not in school at the moment, and she tells us to just give her the time, day and place.

When Delilah and I step foot in the venue, Dash and Nina are already waiting for us at the table. Dash gives us a little wave as Nina tells us to hurry up. They're both dressed comfortably, with Dash in black pants and long-sleeve blue button down shirt while Nina is wearing dark blue jeans and a white peasant top with her brown shoulder bag.

She always manages to do her makeup perfectly, a skill that I've never mastered. I always have to opt for a light look since I fear I'll only mess up if I do anything more. I'm wearing a maroon overall dress with a white long-sleeve shirt underneath and my black combat boots and a black shoulder bag. As always, I have my locket around my neck with that same old picture.

I think I might update it.

Delilah, next to me, has chosen to wear black jeans with a long-sleeve navy top and her matching locket. She's carrying her own black shoulder bag, and almost throws it onto the floor when we both sit down.

The venue isn't very full, which is a relief. A couple sitting at a table near us does look over at us though, and I wonder if they're trying to assess the situation and what it is. Older people tend to be more conservative, which is a concern for me. But, as long as my parents never show up here, I don't really care that much.

It's not that my parents are homophobic. It's just that. . . It's different for many parents when their own child turns out to be part of the community. They support their nephews and nieces and the children of their friends, but I don't know how they would react to the news about me. And it doesn't help that the person I'm dating is Delilah, someone they were never particularly fond of.

They always called her the rich girl in Spanish, and never really thought she was sincere. They were nice to her because we were friends, but they didn't like her.

The two adults turn away and look at their menu, choosing to ignore our presence. Other guests around us are in their own world, like the 4 of us. The chairs we're sitting on are comfortable, and the brown wooden table is decorated with a red table cloth and small candles to create a genuine atmosphere. We feel comfortable here.

The lights above us are purposefully made to be on the dim side, and one grand chandelier is at the entrance as guests are welcomed in by an employee. A waiter takes our orders, and he tells us he hopes we have a good time.

Delilah seems slightly nervous based on the way her knee keeps shaking, and I lightly place my hand on it to try to calm her down. She looks at me, slowly biting her lip as her legs stop. Dash and Nina, both across from us, start up a conversation about school.

Dash asks what Delilah plans to do, and she clears her throat before responding, "I'm taking a gap year."

"Are you working right now?"

I notice her leg is shaking again.

I guess it's hard for her to admit she's the daughter of wealthy business owners and doesn't even have to move a finger to do what she wants.

I don't like that she feels so nervous though, so I tell Dash, "you're acting like an adult in the middle of some conversation about very adult things."

Dash furrows his eyebrows as he stares at me, probably confused about what I'm doing. I may have put in a suggestion to both of them that they try to get more details about Delilah's life. But I didn't expect Delilah to start cracking under pressure after 2 normal questions!

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