chapter 38

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"Do I make you nervous" he stated obvious facts... Water drops are flowing from him while his monolid eyes are looking straight at my small eyes... I am looking so small in comparison to him, his wet body is making him hotter, as his ultra-large palm keeps placing my hair strains behind my ear. My breathing has already stopped for a while now, and my heart is winning, while my eyes are up for a very hot treat.

"Answer me, love" I am trying way too hard to form a sentence in my head but it seems the effect of Mr Hotty is beyond my control. What should I do? .... His eyes are so captivating that it makes me go insane.

"Bang Si-hyuk nim..." I looked to my right with a surprised face and that was it for him...he hurriedly back away and turn around and my plan works....

I knew after hearing Bang PD's name he will become conscious of the surrounding... Before he could turn towards me again...I ran from there with all my power....

"Yaaaaa! Watch your legs..." I can hear him scolding me but I care less...I ran away from him....

"That was so hawt...oppa was looking so sexy..... So yummy..." Shut up...shut up... Don't you dare to manipulate my mind again.... Idiot....

After 1 hour

We all are settled in the meeting room waiting for taehyung and Y and her team to arrive...

"Ankita... Did you remind taehyunshii about the meeting or not? " my senior asked me with a worried face because Y and her team will be here in no time... "I did sunbaei nim! ... There he is coming.. " I point my fingers towards the Greek gods walking....

He came and greet everyone while looking so fucking hot...  "Oh so now who is distracting whom??? "  my heart is scolding me from being distarcted... Like this is all happening??? Or am I just imagining...?

And finally, Y and her team arrived.....

"Oppa.  How are you? " Y flaunts her annoying teeth in front of taehyung...calling him oppa n really... Oppa???...

"I am having a blast actually" although he is talking to her his eyes are fixed on my eyes... Yeah, I am very aware of your blasts... Making me nervous is your definition of blast... Monster....

"Aww, that's good to hear... " god what is wrong with her... Why she is smiling so unnecessary? ..annoying bitch....

"So! This is just a formality meeting.... We all know why we are here today... It's been 24 hours since the report so we need to issue a statement as soon as possible, it's already late enough" Mr Kang, who is our senior head of the PR informed...

" but we are planning to do something else... I think we can take this as a publicity thing and can advertise them more... You all know that Y and Taehyungshi both are approached to do a drama together so it can be a benefit to them to build up their chemistry...." Her PR told us what was in their mind and we all were taken aback because Big Hit never endorses false publicity  ...

"I don't think it's a good idea... It will create unnecessary questions... And it's false news about them dating so we should not encourage that" I stated some facts while trying to be as professional as I could...

"How do you know it's not true about us dating?" This time Y said and I can clearly see what's going on here... it's her idea....

"Because taehyunshii told us" I looked at Y and then at tae...  " is it not a false news taehyungshii?"

He looked at me.... And a smirk....what???... He needs to stop smirking all the time.... He is getting on my nerves...

" yes... As I have told you before... We are not dating.... " he said looking straight into my eyes...

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