Chapter 90

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Anki pov

"Khamsaminda!" I thanked his driver who gave me a ride back home... "Ohh hey!" I looked at the sound and it's Suho.... "hey...when did you guys come back?" they were in India with my family of course, they were supposed to come with me actually I was supposed to come with them but I came early due to this situation ... "ohh! We came just now...Omma is resting and I was about to go and brought us some lunch... Omma is not in the mood to cook neither am I" ohhh ... I am hungry too... "Wait...suho! Let me cook something then we will have lunch together, is it ok?" the fact that now every fucking one in Korea and India knows about my relationship status its so awkward to talk with people in general.... "Ooo...Are you sure? Don't you have an office today?? " now what should I tell you about the office .... "No...I am just taking a break" I lied of course .... "Ooo ...ok then if it's ok with you... I am ok" ...of course I am ok with it ... Mrs Park is someone who supported me all this time why won't I be ok with it....

"Oooo Anki! Did you cook??" Ajuma said while smelling the food ... "Yeah Ajuma! I did... Have some ..." ooo my words are not finished ...she is digging already..... "It's so good," Suho said while digging as well ...  Ooo... It's satisfying seeing people enjoy your cooking ...  "Thank you" ... And I started to eat as well... "Ajuma! I need to talk to you about something"  and she just nodded her head for me to go on.... "First of all...i am so sorry for whatever is happening, I know these media people are still outside the house and it's so frustrating.... I am so sorry about everything" I said but Ajuma held my hand in an assurance manner... "Dear, you didn't do anything should not be sorry for loving someone... And you can't even do anything, he has a different career, he belongs to the entertainment industry so people will be curious about his life... it's ridiculous but it's true...and 2 security guards are standing outside the house so I guess they will handle it if anything happens to you or us" guard??? What??? "Sorry! What?? Security guard?? I didn't see anyone" but suho interpret ... "How come you didn't see, they are in the front gate....Taehyung has sent them so that the media and people don't bother you much" oh freak! He appointed two guards for how can I not love this man?? Why am I surprised though?? It's taehyung! He does stuff like that .... "Thank you Ajumaa...for everything which brings me to the second topic" ... She nods her head for me to go on .... "I thinking about moving out" both of them kept quiet for some time before Ajumaa talked...."ooo..Are you going to stay at Taehyung's place?" now what can I say about that?.... I wish I could.... "No actually ... I wanted  to buy an apartment of my own for a very long time but now as I have a pretty decent job I think I should actually look for one" honestly, that was my thought process before but as the recent turn of events forced me to resign, I don't think I could even afford an Apartment but here the actual motive is to keep Suho and Mrs.Park away from my problems... She has done enough over the past 5 years and I just don't want to hurt her sentiments anymore... "Dear, I think it's a very good idea...i totally support you in everything but are you sure that's the reason and nothing else?? Because I don't want you to be lonely when I am here" awww, how much I love her..... "I love you Ajumaa...really really do" and of course we hugged while Suho kept up with his smile.... However, our little cute moment got disturbed by my phone....

"Hello, yes Sunbae nim" it was my senior Manager Kang...ops sorry ex-senior..." hey Ankita! How are you?" mmmm what?? I am sure he doesn't call me to ask about my well being but let's play along.... "Ohh I am good .... How are you?" honestly, let's just get to the point ... "I am good...Anyways... The reason I called you is that CEO Nim wants to meet you so he asked me to arrange a meeting with you" oh I guess there is something left for him to humiliate me..... "I am sorry! But may I ask why?" damn these Upbringing mom...i just couldn't get rude ..... "Actually I don't really know...but can you, please come to the office?" ...say no ...say no .... "Hmmm...sure!" damn it....

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