1. I promise this isn't the start of us

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(TW: homophobia)

Steve's POV

'Listen, I told you, I've just been busy, it's not about you!' Steve Harrington shouted out to the blonde that was currently rapidly pacing away from him. At his words, she spun around, a livid glare in her eyes.
'Oh, I know it's not about me, it's about the two other girls you had on the side! You can't just treat us like this!' She growled back. Steve let out a tired sigh. He was used to this. He obviously didn't mean to get himself into these situations, it just sorta... happened. Girls just flocked to him.

'Charlotte, I-I'm sorry, I really I am, but it's truly not about that, I'm just not looking for a relationship right now!'
'Not with me you're not!' And with that, she slammed his car door, and marched into the large, grey-tone building that lay in-front of them.

With a second, deeper sigh, Steve shut his car door too. He was partially telling the truth. He didn't think that he wanted a relationship then. But, something inside him said that it was the girls fault. They were all the same. All... popular and cliquey.

He mentally prepared himself for the day ahead. Today, today was going to fucking suck.

Eddie's POV

Eddie had decided that today was gonna suck. Nothing had happened yet, it was just a gut feeling of his. And so, as he was strolling down the corridor to get to first period, and he saw Jason Carver walking directly toward him, he knew his prediction was going to be spot fucking on.
'Well well, look who it is! The school queer! Fancy seeing you around here, Eddie.' Jason smirked at him, spitting his name out almost like it was a slur.
'Just go away, Jason, I'm not in the mood to deal with you today.' Eddie responded, with half the usually retort he normally had when facing the jock.

Jason ignored him, however, and continued,
'Where have you been the past few weeks? Oh yeah, didn't something happen to your freak sister?' He sneered. At this, Eddie snapped. He was already in a bad mood, and he didn't need Jason giving him a fucking panic attack before school had even started. But, before he could throw a punch his way, he heard an exasperated voice behind him.

'Just leave him alone, Jason.' Eddie spun around, only to be met with the honey brown eyes and stern look of Steve Harrington.

Steve. Fucking. Harrington.

'Huh. Why are you standing up for this freak, Harrington? You know he's a que-'
'Just leave it, Jason. He's not worth it.' Jason looked from Steve, to Eddie, and back again.
'Fine.' He said with a sneer, while glaring at Eddie, as if to say "this isn't finished" and strolled off, his friends following close behind. Eddie turned to Steve, a surprised smirk on his face.

'Well! I can't believe that Steve Harrington; Steve Harrington! Of all people! Saved me from Jason and his goons. What would prompt the popular boy to do such a thing? Pray tell!'

Steve's POV

To be honest, Steve wasn't sure why. Maybe he just didn't want to see Eddie get bullied anymore than he already was...
'Didn't want to see you get your ass handed to you back there.'

Eddie snorted,
'Sureee, princess. See you in class.' And with that, he sprinted off, his long, curly hair flapping theatrically behind him in the wind.

"What the fuck was that?" Steve questioned silently. Did Eddie Munson just call him princess? Shaking his head, he checked his watch. "Oh fuck." he cursed inwardly. He was eight minutes late to class. He knew today was going to be shitty...

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