The nice one. The scary one.

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You're convinced that there are two Collectors.

There actually could be, now that you think about it. You've never seen him split his person to create clones before, but you're certain that someone of their capability would have no problem doing so. Maybe they've already tried it, but you simply didn't notice in your haze of perpetually unending unease and panic. Two Collectors could also explain their indistinct omnipresence; the way he seemingly knows everything that's going on in the Boiling Isles (It's like he has an extra pair of ears listening in on the townspeople), the way they're everywhere (though he never really leaves your side. Or rather, he doesn't let you leave his), it truly reminds you that you're in the presence of a divine being. A god. A star.

The Collector is your friend. Well, that's what they say they are, at least. And you're their friend as well. The Collector is cheerful, eager, eccentric, and surprisingly cunning. He keeps you on your toes all day, playing games that are tilted in his favor, pretending to use the citizens of the Boiling Isles as dolls— who are now 'residents' in the 'Owl House', a giant doll house crafted from the Titan's skull and bones. Their attention is always split evenly during these moments, half-focusing on the game at hand and half-focusing on you. He watches your expressions, finding a special sort of amusement in your reactions; wether it be good or bad. Generally, he treats you well. Like a child with their favorite toy; bringing it with them everywhere, engaging it in all of their play-times and activities, and handling it with the utmost care to ensure that it never breaks. Or in this case, to ensure you don't leave him. You may be mortal, but he's certain that he can pull some strings to change that..

The other Collector is the opposite. It looks like him, talks like him, and acts like him, except it's angry.

Angry Collector is not one to cross, something you've learned from Emperor Belos' betrayal. This Collector is less cheerful, less friendly. He's still eager, but not to play games. And unfortunately they're still cunning even in their fits of rage. The worst part is you can't anticipate it. They'll be rhyming along happily in one moment, and with the slightest slip of words, their joyful demeanor sours. The happy glint in his eyes changes into something more dooming, his smile drops into a neutral state or a frown, and the whole world begins to rumble and shake. It's easier to just abide to their whims and give them what they want when they want it. The Collector hates being told 'no' after all. You get whiplash each time their mood does a 180°, and you've learned that momentary respite is not worth his anger. You don't want them to get angry? Then just listen to them, see? Keep your pinky swears, stay by his side— and he means all the time, play games with him— you don't even have to do much! He comes up with the games so he's doing all the work! You should be grateful for having a friend as considerate as them. Huh? You want freedom? Well, he's been trapped for a millennia. Spending the rest of your mortal life span with with them isn't that big of a deal! That's only like, 80 years. Nothing compared to the time that he's spent sealed away! You'll be fine.

...80 years.


That isn't a long time at all.

You pinky swore that you'd play with them forever. How are you supposed to keep your promise if your life span is so short? Even if you lived past 100, that would only be a blink in comparison to the time that The Collector will live for.

That's no problem though! Aren't you happy that you're friends with a deity? You'll never have to worry over mortal trivialities again!

You expressed that you didn't want to live forever... but... that's okay! The Collector can just grant you immortality without you knowing! You'll get used to it eventually, and you'll learn to be happy with it! It's exciting to think about! It's almost like a guessing game, except you don't know about it!

He wonders just how many birthdays will pass until you realize something is wrong.

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