Teenage Collector

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Anon: Would you ever do a Teenage Collector X Reader? Because some of his designs when he's older makes me go 👀👀👀

〄 I like to think that after the events of the main story of TOH, Collector ends up living with Eda and King. Brothers! Yay! (I'd suggest that you go on ao3 and read the series: The King and The Collector Grow Up by xxpurpleshadowsxx! There's only two stories in the series, but I absolutely adore both.)

〄 Goes to Hexside! His grades are actually amazing— he get's the Boiling Isles equivalent of honor role. This is because magic is just second nature to them, their knowledge on the subject is vast, and they probably know more about it than the BI's entire board of education. The only moments where they really struggle is writing a report or essay; it's boring and takes forever. That being said, they tend to just... not do it. His overall performance is so good that he can afford the low score.

〄 But while his grades shine, his behavior doesn't. Principal Bump knows that Eda is raising this kid because The Collector is a carbon copy of her. Gets sent to the Principal's office weekly because of a never ending slew of pranks and chaos (hexed graffiti, neurotic experiments, freeing all the lockers, etc. Everything that Eda did as a teenager and more. She's very proud of him.)

〄 If you join in on his pranks, he'll somehow always prevent you from getting in trouble as well. They'll teleport you away if the Hexside Guards comes by, leave your name out when asked who else was participating in the misdeed, etc.

〄 They like to walk with you to school! You both end up detouring a lot, he wants to show you cool places he found with Eda, King, and Luz on their miscellaneous adventures. No it can't wait until after school. You always make it to class just before the bell rings. They walk you home too.

〄 Grom is nice! I can definitely see them wearing something with star themes (King coordinates their outfit.) Their gifts are very unconventional, it's all stuff that looks super cool, but you have no idea what to do with it. So instead of bringing flowers, they bring you some sort of artifact or astral item. You don't know what it is, but he looks super excited about it so you trust it's a good thing.

〄 Clumsy with dancing, he looks a little goofy as a result but it makes you laugh so he lives it up. It's a very fun-and-laughter filled grom :) Afterwards, they'll give you a piggyback and fly around the Boiling Isles, giving you a breath-taking view of the island and the night sky. They ingrain your star-struck expression into their mind.

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