Grand Huntsman with a partner who has separation anxiety

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The Collector ——————〄 The Collector is very observant when he wants to be, which usually applies to things/people he cares about

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The Collector
〄 The Collector is very observant when he wants to be, which usually applies to things/people he cares about. So after a certain period of time, he begins to notice the way you panic at the thought of being apart from someone for too long.

〄 It was small at first. Like when he was freed and turned everyone on the Boiling Isles into puppets. You had become fidgety in the absence of your family and friends and stuck to his side like glue. The Collector was happy with it at first, but even he could sense your unease.

〄 Sometimes— when you, King, and The Collector are settling in to sleep— and one of them have to leave the room for something, you shoot up from the bed like you've been splashed with cold water and ask where they're going and if they'll be back.

〄 Once The Collector connects the dots and realizes that you don't like to be alone, they make an effort to stick by you more often. They understand the feeling, and they would never want one of their closest companions to feel that way. Ever.

The Grand Huntsman
〄 The Grand Huntsman delights in this. It works in their favor, after all. Your separation anxiety gives him all the more reason to keep you by their side. If you only saw them every now and then, expect to be practically glued to their body from there on out.

〄 The Grand Huntsman is like, huge. So they'll keep you on their shoulder or create a pocket in their cloak for you to sit in. Perhaps they find it a little endearing. Perhaps not.

〄 They also use your anxiety as a punishment. The Grand Huntsman is incapable of empathy, and more often than not they take what they want without considering your feelings. If you upset them in any way, then expect punishment. Punishments are never physical, but always psychological. He will use your anxiety against you, and will probably resort to locking you away in isolation for a certain amount of time.

〄 And you'd best hope that he doesn't forget about you while you're in there. Time passes differently for immortal deities, a few days is less than a second in their perception of time.

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