Question #5

463 16 4

@chaos2023 asked: Do how you think the grand huntsman would comfort the reader if someone or something hurt them? Like, badly. To the point where there is a huge gash is their leg?


I think I answered a question very similar to this one before.

They don't necessarily 'comfort' you. I definitely think that The Grand Huntsman has a sort of disconnect from mortal emotions and tribulations; it's all inconsequential in the eyes of the cosmic deity. You must understand, it's less of you being hurt, and more of their very special plaything being damaged— that upsets them.

That's not to say that they don't care about your feelings or wellbeing, because they do. But his empathy is quite low and he functions differently on a natural level. So your emotional distress just doesn't come to mind when they see you despaired, you'd have to verbally express it to him that you're upset.

Any physical injuries you may have aren't coddled either. It's nothing that they can't fix, so there's nothing to fret about. Meaning there's nothing to comfort you about. The pain is only temporary. And look! Not even a scar remains!

If you ask him for a hug or for some form of comfort then he'll happily oblige; they love any chance they can get to have your attention focused solely on them. They'll deal with the cause of your anguish later.

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