Chapter 02: 2 Truths, and A Lie.

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It was as creepy as Cale remembered when he walked towards his mother's doorstep, the eerie feeling is still there however when he opened the door, his sight wasn't what he expected. It was actually cleaned and there were no cobwebs around.

Upon clearing out that there was nothing but normalcy, Cale sighs again in exasperation. "Seriously... so that child-like cry was just a dream?"

"Cale..." a distorted yet jubilant noise comes from the side.

The red youth stood frozen in place as he deadpans at the ceiling, "spoke too soon.."
he mutters unfavourably and turned around, making eye contact with the same painting as before.

Instead of a still red-haired woman with normal eyes, he faces a woman with the same hair yet the difference in expression was the hysterical happiness in her eyes as she calls his name. Solely because of him being outside and not in the painting, it was creepy that it completely overlooked his want for warmth.

Cale set aside his feelings and asked curiously. There was no point in finding comfort in some brushed wood, it's like finding company to a damned doll. "How... Are you actually alive or are you just mechanised to be like that?"

His words ended up to slightly offended the painting of his mother as she stares at him blankly before responding, "Ah, right. About that, yes, I was mechanised through the help of a God."

At the mention of deities, Cale actually felt like burning something. He knew there was something wrong! "Mother, I love you and all but why would you ask troublesome beings for that?"

"All for your suffering, son!" Jour snorted humorously, not having strong feelings for her to be angry at his slightly brazen comment. The red-haired male made his face unsightly at her answer with distaste.

"I'm here to tell you that there is indeed a child—and no, I did not give you a baby brother or sister for that matter." Cale relaxed and crossed his arms lazily and leaned his lower body on the chair, "Then what is it? Because I'm getting tired with this roundabout talking. Yes, I do love you but I'm getting impatient of sorts."

Cale was talking the truth. He can't believe the amount of bullshit he has to deal with — now that he sees his mother in a fucking painting talking so happily when mentioning her reason on why she made a deal and apparently because of him suffering. What the hell did he do for this type of shit? Did he accidentally offended a God and gave him a curse? What even was his life? And why is everyone treating it like a joke? Even his gorgeous and understanding mother is laughing like there's nothing wrong with it, Cale thinks everyone has a screw loose inside their brains.

"When you were still an infant, a goddess came down from the heavens to bless you-" Cale snorts loudly before coughing. The stare from the painting did not do his cover justice and just smiled, urging for her to continue.

"Ahem, anyway, yes. A goddess descended to give you her blessing, however, she noticed how there was another living being inside my body that was still not out of the womb."

The indication of those words stopped his inner complaint and stared hard at the painting with intensity. Excuse me what?

She was solemn continued her words, it made him forget that she was mechanised. "That living being couldn't survived, something was restricting the poor baby from being born into this world. Perhaps, I thought it to be too cruel and so, I let the physician kill it."

"So what you're saying is... I could've had a twin?" Cale gawks at the possibility of that. That- what? Swallowing the lump inside his throat, Cale continues to delve in deeper despite the aching in his heart. "What do you mean by restriction? What does that entail?"

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