how it all happened- chapter one

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(Hello again reader, if your wondering I just finished a meeting with a client and I'm only way to pick up my siblings from school, hopefully today they don't fight or annoy me cause I had a long day)

pulls up to a college entrance and a tall girl walks out and starts to walk towards the car

(Yep that's my sister tall very curly hair looks like a model top of her class, hopefully today she acts normal)

she opens the passenger door and sits down and buckls her sitbelt

Arline turns towards marlin " so sister tell me what happened this time" said Arline with a hint of sarcasm and humer is her voice. Marlin looked at her sister from the corner of her eye and said nothing. "Okay let's go pick up Jason from school than"

Arline started to drive towards their brothers highschool, and they saw him waiting outside with joy plastered on his face, and when he became more visible they saw bruises on his face. He got in the back sit without a word, and didn't look at his older sisters in the face, the sisters look at each other and without a word got out of the car and headed straight to the group of kids who they know did the bruises.

(Yep this isn't the first time this happened and we know who is responsible for this. You see my brother never fought back if he was the target, but if it was me or marlin he always saw red and sent who ever hurt us to the hospital. I always talked to the principal of his school about the situation, and all the time her answers were the same but since this problem started since he was 13 and never got solved today I'm about to send these kids and their parents to the hospital)

Without another word Arlin punched the kids in the face, before they could even process what happened, she kicked them in the stomach and made them fall on their knees, she heald one of the boys by his hair and pulled his head back and whispered in his ear "if you touch my brother Jason again I will do so much worse to you and your friends and make you end up in the hospital, and make sure to take everything you care for away from you."

She and marlin walked back to the car without a word and drove home. The atmosphere in the car was awkward and frightening, her sister nor her brother has seen this side of her at all and, they were pretty shock a sweet and fragile 26 year old woman could do that. Yes, they knew she was overly protective of them much this is very new to them.

As soon as they reached home her siblings went to their rooms to do their homework while Arlin tried to finish her design and than cook them a non-traditional meal, every day she would make her and her siblings different meals from the two cultures she found interesting, Armenia and Lebanon she was fascinated by their unique taste and healthy lifestyle, but she was also fascinated by the amount they eat.

As soon as she finished her design to show her client the next day, she changed her clothes into more comfortable clothes, like a oversized hoodie with the avengers on it and grey sweatpants, today she has decided to make Armenian grape leaves with a side of Lebanese taboulé

How to make them

(Yeah Armenian grape leaves with the side of Lebanese taboulé I know I know different cultures but it's very delicious together, now let's call them down so they can eat)

"Marlin! Jason! Dinners ready! Come and eat before I eat it all!!" Her siblings ran downstairs in full speed. Her sister was wearing a crop top with some leggings, while her brother wore a t-shirt with sweatpants.

Time skip: after dinner and after they did the dishes

They where sitting down and watching a movie that her siblings loved, she looked at the clock and realized it's almost time for her siblings to get ready for bed, she turned off the TV, "alright come on guys do what is left of you homework and go to bed". Without another word they went to bed, after a few mins she went to her own room.

Her room was the second largest room in the house, she had a Queen sized bed with rose red and sky blue sheets, her room was ocean blue with pine wood in the corners of her room, she also head medium sized bed side tables with a picture of her family on it, an fancy alarm clock and a lamp on it with a glass of water and a box of tissues. Her closet was nothing special but it did have a body mirror on it, but what made her room different was the art work on it. Over the years when something amazing but rare happened she would paint portraits of how she felt on each wall, it was like constant reminder for her.

She got in bed, and opened her laptop to watch some marvel movies before she slept cause her meeting with her clients would be after 3 pm tomorrow so she had a lot of time to sleep in. She started by 'Captain America the first avenger' and from there she let her mood decide what to watch next.

By the time she reached 'The falcon and the winter soldier' but mid movie she fell asleep.

(I told you what happened before I woke up in the Marvel universe, about my 'personal life' if you want to call it that. Now let's wait and see how I'm doing in the Marvel universe and what was happening in my universe while I was gone shall we?)

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