it shows itself -chapter 7

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*Arline pov*

"what do you mean by you saw your family" Tony said by walking up to me slowly, "I mean I saw my mom crying on the couch my sibs comforting her and my step-dad on the phone with the fucking cops stark!" I said as I started fuming with anger.

I stormed out of the room and decided to lay in bed. As I walk onto my floor I saw Aphro "good morning!" Aphro said with joy. "Good morning Aphro, how was ur first night here?" I said as I sat down next to her blanket nest I made last night before I got ready for bed.

"It was really nice it was warm and cozy, how did u sleep?"

"I slept wonderful" as I petted aphro I felt like someone was in the room but I didn't pay much attention to the feeling.

"Who was that boy from last night though?"

I looked at aphro confused "which boy are u talking about?"

"You know the boy from the food location!"

It suddenly clicked "oh his name is James but his nickname is bucky. Why do u ask?"

"He looked like he likes you"

"Me and bucky just met aphro we aren't even friends yet"

"Hello dear sister" the mistory creature said.

I looked around but no one was there
"Arline I'm scared who is that?"

"I don't know Aphro but stay beside me"

"Oh dear sister, how nice of you to remember your big brother" said the creature.

"Sister?" I was in shock "show yourself!" I commanded, suddenly a man with horns and wings came into view -wait a minute- "you're... You're... Lucifer?"

"Ahh, finally, you know who I am" Lucifer said, taking a step forward while I took couple of steps back, Aphro was on my shoulder shivering from how scared she was.

"STOP!" I commanded and he stopped.

"Ohh my little sister, I won't scare or hurt you and..." He looked at aphro, "your soldier. I'm sorry I scared you."

It was a shock Lucifer apologized to me. Never had I ever thought Lucifer to be like this.

"Wait, solder? What do you mean? What is happening?" I started to lose my balance. I felt two hands on my upper-arm "Easy, I should have waited instead of dumping all this info onto you."

"Hey who are you!?" I looked behind me and saw bucky. He started to walk towards us. "Hello sergeant Barnes. It's nice to meet the guy my sister fell in love with at first sight my face turned beet red at the moment.

I looked towards bucky to see his tomato-red face along with him rubbing the back of his neck.

My "brother" -still new to this information- looked towards me with a shit eating smirk and said "ohh, he didn't know till I spoke."

"What the hell is going on in here?" Said yelena, by her side there was Kate bishop.

"Oh you know, trying to meet my brother." I replied nervously. Both Yelena and Kate looked shocked and said at he same time "BROTHER!?"

"Ahh, that reminds me. If you wanna know more information about yourself before all this, go to the middle east you'll find a book there about your life and everything." Said Lucifer and vanished.

The avengers gathered in the meeting room to discuss what had taken place a few minutes back

"So..." Stated nick fury "are you gonna tell us what happened and why a demon was in your living room?" I took a deep breath and told them what had happened and what he had said, when I finished explaining, some were in shock while others were confused.

"Well that was on amazing story sister." Said Lucifer coming into view with someone behind him, every avenger stood up, ready to fight, Lucifer was unfaised "relax, I only brought an old friend over to help my sister with her little adventure."

Stepping out from behind him was...

"KINCHI!" I shouted. I ran and hugged him "uhm... What's happening, how do you know him?" Asked Sam, I looked at the team and released kinchi from the hug. "This is my childhood bestie, I met then when my family took a vacation to Japan, we have been inseperable ever since the day we met." I explained.

Kinchi waved at the team shyly, "Just you wait till they get used to you, he is so much fun." I said excitedly "Well you two then " said Tony clapping his hands and standing up.

Kinchi and I walked around the compound all day, catching up from on old times. I missed them so much! I'm so happy Lucifer brought them here!

Later that night we were gathered in the living room, Nat, Wanda and I were in the bar, trying to decide what to drink, while the rest of the team and kinchi were gathered in front of the TV, 'i do hope they're more open to the team right now.'

Nat decided on red wine, Wanda decided on a fruity drink, while I took two beers, once we took our drinks we made our way to the rest.

"Alright," tony said clapping hid hands, "so I have decided on a game for us!","so what's the game Tony?" Said Nat, taking a sip of her drink.

"We... Are... Gonna play..." Tony said drumming his hands on the table between every word, " never have I ever!"," But let me guess, if we have done it, we drink," I said sarcasticly ," yes exactly!" Tony said doing gun fingers towards me.

"Alright, I'll go first," said Sam a lil too excited, "never have I ever given a friend a lap dance for their bday."

"Really Sam? Being creepy already?" Said pepper, but kinchi and I took a sip, the team looked at us with shocked expressions.

"Don't ask," said kinchi sternly "okay, let's continue..." Said Bruce "my turn," said Wanda "okay... Never have I ever fallen in love with an older man?" Kinchi, nat, pepper and I took a sip "Hang in, Arline you still like him or have you fallen in love with some other 'old enough to be your dad' kind of guy?" Kinchi asked, I looked around seeing everyones' eyes on me, "nope, blur eyed guy kinchi" I said, taking another sip.

Bucky looked kinda confused when I looked at him for a second, but we carrier on the game.

Tony, Sam, Nat, and Wanda all got wasted and fell asleep, Thor got really drunk along side Loki but passed out too, Steve,Bruce,ans rhodey, and pepper went to bed early and kinchi, bucky and I stayed up telling funny stories, about our past, bucky had some really funny pre-serum Steve stories.

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