beach day? - chapter 10

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*Arline pov*

Weeks were spent training, and learning to control my powers, a couple of days ago I got a new power -mind reading- kinda cool, but after finding out the wierd thoughts some of the Avengers have I regretted it badly.

Sine we are in summer, so I got super excited on the fact I was wearing crop tops and really short shorts, never have I ever felt this free.

Tony walked in the common room clapping his hands cutting my thoughts short. "Alright since it's summer and that we all need a break from the "avenger life" we are going to have a beach day! Any suggestions on where to go?" Tony asked us, but before anyone could answer, I -as the crazy person that I am- shouted "TONY CAN WE PLEASE GO TO THE MALDIVES? PRETTY PLEASE!"

"I'm sorry but why the Maldives?" Asked Sam, I turned my full attention to him and said "well ... Growing up I always heard my mom and her best friend dream about going there, but since it never worked out as they planned they never got to go and she never got to take me." Turning my full attention back to Tony I said, "so can we go please?" I said beggingly.

"Alright fine we can go! We leave in an hour everyone pack your bags we leave in one hour." Tony said while rubbing his temples, I was the first one out the room and packing almost everything I owned. My sun dresses, crop tops, light hoodies (incase it get cold at night), shorts, jeans, my blue bikinis, sunscreen, sunglasses.

After about 20 mins I was fully packed, and waiting infront of the tower knowing we are going with a private bus to the airport, after about 40 mins of waiting I saw everyone coming towards the glass doors.

From my shoulder I heard "you forgot to change into a more vacation style" aphro said, looking at what I was wearing I realized I was still in my lazy day outfit, flicking my wrist I was now in some sneakers, shorts, a crop top bra, a baseball cap, and sunglasses.

Looking back up, the avengers were shocked. "Okay we don't have time for questions or talking get in the bus we'll ask when we're on the plane there" tony said before anyone got a chance to speak.

Teleporting the keys from tony to me, I smirked saying, "okay but I'm driving." Teleporting my bags in the trunk and myself to the driver's seat I shouted, "hurry up!! We don't have all day."

And just like that we were on the road to the airport, everyone was trying to keep themselves occupied in some way. Wanda was listening to music, Loki was reading, Thor and Bruce were talking, peter was texting MJ and Ned, Nat and Clint were brainstorming, tony and pepper were trying to make last minute business choices, Steve was sketching, bucky, Sam and Pietro were just talking about random things.

"Can I follow the bus? I wanna fly to the airport." Asked aphro from beside me. "Sure but let me know if someone is following us or sum." I replied telepathically while trying to concentrate on the road, and as soon as I answered aphro was out the window.

"Hey where did your bird go?" Asked Sam, "I let her fly out and follow the bus to the airport." I said, while looking into the rearview mirror. After that "talk" everyone just stayed quiet, but I was having my own conversation with aphro.

After a few minutes we arrived at the airport, everyone got their bags and headed to the airplane. Looking up I saw Aphro not that far from us flying, "can you fly with me to wherever we are going it would be fun" aphro said telepathically, "I don't know if I can, to be honest I'll check with Tony," i replied.

Running up to tony I asked him if I could and he didn't have a problem, but before I could even walk back outside, I saw lights flashing 'oh no', running back to the team I told 'em that the paparazzi was here.

Since everyone rushed to the plan before the paparazzi could catch us, I decided to give my bags to Nat, and teleport to the sky to fly besides aphro.

*Time skip to Maldives*

When we reached everyone unpacked and the girls decided to meet up at nat's room.

I was still unpacking and deciding on what to wear for a somewhat "girls night" not realizing aphro left the room without notifying me.

Picking my jeans short shorts, and my black swimming bra, with a my sunglass and hat, I went out of my hut  to the private pool in the backyard, look around the blue ocean,  I can get used to this.


I spent hours looking around for aphro, I even turned my hut up-side-down, but she was no where to be found and I had to meet the girls in nat's room -- 5 minutes ago!!!-- I decided to just go meet the girls and look for aphro later.

As I was about to make it to nat's room I heard yelling from behind me as I turned I saw the boys chasing.

"APHRO!!!" I yelled to her as I saw her running towards me, as she flew into my arms the boys stopped running.

"Keep her under control kid, she was running into all our huts making a mess!" Tony yelled covered in feather and sweat.

"That's not true I was just trying to find THE ring" aphro said telepathically.

"Wait ring what ring?" I asked a bit confused, "the ring that gives you every power, the youngest morningstar can think of." Aphro replied.

I shook my head not wanting to think about the powers I'll poses. I gave the boys one last glanced and a goodbye, before walking inside Nat's cabin.

As I walked inside the cabin, Wanda yelled, "FINALLY YOU HERE!!" , "Your late." Said Yelena as she downed a shot of vodka.

The rest of the time was spent chatting and getting to know one another, ad of course drinking, until Thor knocked on the door saying it's time to join in front of the bond fire and get to do a team bonding.

After everyone was gathered around the fire, I was looking at the drinks on the table, while aphro was resting on my shoulder.

"Don't they have almaza here or anything?" I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't hear Sam approaching me.

"Hey, sorry I know we didn't talk much but... Can you tell me how I am in your universe ?" Sam asked being less of his hyper self, "I'll tell about everyone's... Varients?... I guess" I replied unsure.

Sam just nodes and walks away rejoining the rest, after I just got a glass of whiskey on the rocks and joined the rest.

"So.. lady Arline," said Thor while taking a drink of his Asgardian liquor, "tell us about how we are in your universe?", "Well Thor you Australia, happily married with 3/4 kids, your name is Chris Hemsworth..."

And just like that the night went on about me explaining who everyone was ___ at my universe ___ but somehow while everyone got tipsy except for me, Steve and bucky, the conversation escalated to the Asgardian drink and Thor's hammer.

"So if that Asgardian drink barley can get you tipsy can it work on Steve and bucky and get 'em actually tipsy." Said Pietro towards Thor and Loki.

"I don't know my friend let's try." Thor replied getting up and getting two shot and filling them to the brim, and handing them to bucky and Steve.

When bucky drank the shot, he was kind of satisfied by the taste of it, but when Steve drank his he flinched and did a disgusted face and said "I'm never drinking that again" while everyone laughed.

"I don't know what your fussing about punk this shit is good.. and don't say language cause I will whoop your ass." Said bucky while taking another drink of the Asgardian liquor.

Feeling kind of bold I took the bottle of Asgardian liquor and added it to my whiskey cup, while everyone was trying to stop me with a lot 'dont' and 'think about this'. I took a swing of my glass and finished it in one gulp.

I looked at Thor and Loki, than at Steve and said "this shit tastes like water!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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