waking up in the Marvel universe - chapter 2

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(Okay, so now let me tell you how it all began, who found me?, how long was I out?, and many other questions you might have)

Arlin was hearing some muffled voices thinking it's her siblings she yelled "if you two don't leave me the fuck alone till 2 in the afternoon I won't hesitate to go winter soldier mode on you both." "Wow, that is a sentence I never thought I'd hear someone say to me or the winter soldier himself."

Confused she opened her eyes open quickly and looked at her serounding, she realized she wasn't in her room but it was quite familiar yet she couldn't put her finger on it, when she looked at the three men behind the couch staring at her she realized she was in the avengers tower, the three men who were looking at her was bucky he was on the left, in the middle Steve, and right was Sam.

After a few seconds it dawned on her, what she said with a shocked reaction she said looking at bucky " I am so so sorry I said that I thought I was in my room, and my siblings were planning another prank on me" this time she was also looking at steve and sam.

The three men looked confused at her reaction, and on her answer they through she would freak out cause she was in the avengers compound.

(In reality I was freaking out but I was hiding it cause of embarrassment, like come on saying you'd go winter soldier mode in front of THE Winter soldier is kinda embarrassing if you ask me... Anyway back to the story)

Steve spoke up trying to clear the awkward tension in the room, "it's fine I seppose," moving around the couch and sitting next to you while Sam and bucky follow his movement, " do you remember anything at all?"

Arline was a tag confused cause how is she supposed to explain to the three men she wasn't from this universe?

"Uhh... Yeah but if I tell you, your gonna think I'm crazy or weird, and their isn't an easy way to sugar côté this" said Arline with a bit of embarrassment in her voice and her cheeks where starting to go pink cause like the finest men are right next to her.

Sam said with a little tease in his voice, "we have two Gods, two super soldiers, a green giant hulk, a spider, two Russian spies, a billionaire that fights crime, two people who can't miss a target, a witch, a sorcerer, people/ aliens from space, a talking raccoon-" "okay, she gets your point shut up" bucky spat without even looking at anyone but Arline the entire time.

Ignoring Bucky's stare Arline started to explain "Okay so I come from another universe where you all are actors with different names, and background stories, and personalities etc." Everyone looked shocked except for bucky he was still doing the staring thing.

The four of them were interuptode by the elevators ding, and Natasha walked out "hello boys-" she looked at you, and a grin slightly rose, " and fellow new female hottie I have never met before." Trying to remain calm I just waved at her and said hello.

(It's not that I was scared no, I really wanted to get out of there and into the care of a female who is younger than me cause let's be honest it's NATASHA ROMANOFF we are talking about.)

Realizing that I'm not supposed to be there, she walked towards us and said, " if you guys don't mind I'm gonna steal her away from you, cause a girl as gorgeous as her should be around other hot ladies, so cya," and before the men can protest Natasha dragged you out of there and into the elevator, and she clicked the floor to her and Wanda's room.

(Honestly I thought she was gonna take me to the meet nick fury or take me to the common/meeting room to interrogate me, but I ain't complaining.)

When we reached her room, she started questioning me, "how are you?" "Uhhh, are we gonna ignore the fact that I'm new here?" I said awkwardly and answered every question she asked me.

After we finished Wanda walked in, looking confused she said,"hi? Everything okay in here?" "Yeah everything is a'okay" Natasha answered with joy in here voice.

"So... Can anyone take me to Tony or Bruce so they can help me get home please?" I asked feeling awkward.

(It was really awkward the tention in the room tho but after a while it goes so yeah. Oh and also after a few hours your gonna see a Massive surprise, it was a surprise to me too)

They took me to the lab were tony and Bruce were working on something, I have no idea how they can be so calm.

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