To put an end on hurtful thoughts might be deadly. But there must be an ending point, whether is it to end bad moments or just to end a bad life. Even if life is not as bad as others, there's no way to tell your head to shut up, and when its voice is screaming louder than you can possibly bare, is time to just blow everything up and keep on going with what feels best.
Blowing your thoughts might help to light up your soul a little bit.
Try to love more and hate less.
Thank you for reading!Link to "Blooming":
Link to "Blossoming"
PoetrySometimes, we wish for the world to change, and we hold onto false hopes that end up breaking our hearts, or worse, our souls. So to blow up everything is the best way to set us free, and become a golden version of ourselves and the spirit we are gi...