chapter 1

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Please be advised that the content may include themes of sexual harassment, rape, abuse, violence, blood, alcohol, smoking, and other inappropriate material for children. There may also be depictions of fighting and starvation. Any other sensitive content will be flagged to you before it is presented in the story.

This world is unique, full of mysteries and dangers, with numerous islands scattered across vast oceans. Within these waters, dwell individuals who live by their own codes, pursuing lives of freedom and excitement. It is a realm of pirates.

Loguetown, 22 years ago.

"Piracy represents a significant threat to society. For too long, criminals and troublemakers have wreaked havoc on our oceans. However, the Marines, acting on behalf of the World Government, are dedicated to ensuring the safety and protection of all. " The Black Sea Boot moves calmly, despite being bound by heavy chains and wooden shackles. A powerful voice reverberates through the bustling town square, crowded with onlookers. 'Today marks a significant achievement in our mission. Gold Roger, the self-proclaimed pirate king, has been apprehended.'

Emerging was a tall and exceedingly robust gentleman. Noteworthy physical attributes included his twisted black mustache, a near-constant look of ferocity, and his piercing gaze. Additionally, he possessed dense black hair and a stout neck. Adorning himself similarly to numerous esteemed pirates, he sported a lengthy crimson captain's jacket over a blue shirt with a yellow sash tied at his waist. His attire was further complemented by a white cravat around his neck, dark blue trousers, and seemingly black sea boots.

Accompanied by two marines armed with guns, he is led to a tall wooden structure. Upon entering a manual elevator, a marine initiates the ascent by revolving the handle. A stern voice declares, 'His reign of terror concludes today. Peace will be reinstated. Let this serve as a warning to deter any who dare to follow his path.' Upon reaching the pinnacle, the man in chains, known as Gold Roger, is confronted by two marines clad in black attire and hats. 'Gold Roger, you have been condemned to death for acts of piracy, theft, and conspiracy against the world government,' a high-rank marine proclaims. Upon mentioning the world government, a smirk appears to grace Gold Roger's face. 'Any final words?'

"Yes," with a relaxed smile, while slightly lifting his handcuffed hands. He then requested, "Would you kindly remove these restraints? They are starting to cause discomfort." The high-ranking officer gave him a stern look and cautioned, "I have warned you. You have brought this situation upon yourself." Gold Roger maintained his grin and responded, "Indeed, Vice Admiral. And now I am revealing it to everyone." Observing the Vice Admiral's suspicious expression, the crowd was addressed without further comments, "by the authority vested in the world government... I hereby decree your life forfeit." As two marines raised their swords towards Gold Roger, a voice emerged from the crowd, asking, "Pirate King, where have you hidden your treasure?" Many joined in, echoing the sentiment, "Tell us the location of your treasure!"

Gold Roger chuckled maniacally, causing the vice admiral to feel a sense of unease as he scowled, while the audience fell silent in the presence of the infamous pirate. "Do you wish to learn the location of my treasure?" The King of the pirates taunted the crowd, unaware of the future notoriety that awaited some of those present. "I have acquired wealth, fame, and power beyond measure in this world. Embrace your freedom, and venture onto the seas! The discovery of my treasure awaits you," he proclaimed, as the vice admiral anxiously instructed the marines to eliminate Gold Roger. Despite the Marines' grim task, the crowd cheered on. Subsequently, the Marines fatally struck Gold Roger with their swords, eliciting a gasp from him as he stoically endured the pain without uttering another word. 

Amidst the exhilarated crowd fleeing the town square, rendering the Marine's attempts to halt them ineffectual, the Vice Admiral gazed upon the departing throng with a palpable sense of defeat in quelling the flames of piracy and solidifying the reputation of the Marines and the World Government. Meanwhile, Gold Roger achieved his ultimate objective, departing with laughter in the face of mortality. His parting words reverberated across the world, heralding the dawn of a new epoch – the Great Pirate Era. This epoch brought about a frenzied pursuit of the legendary Pirate King's treasure, the One Piece, forever altering the course of history.

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