chapter 16

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As Ace finished bathing, wear clothes and  starts walking towards the hut, as he opened the door he could hear Dadan booming sound as she talked, words he didn't want to hear, as his face hardened, his eyes blazed with fire " I'm already giving up on Ace, too! I don't care if he dies or not. I'll just tell Garp it was an accident. It's true that ' the devil's children have the devil's luck! He's the devil's son! If the government finds out about this, what do you think they'd do to us?!" 

Magra said his usual sentence as he tried to calm Dadan " easy, easy, boss"

Dogra being the smart between the two of them said as a matter of fact " you drinking too much"

Ace still had the expressionless face and his eyes burning that could spit  fire from them.

It's been a week since the disappearance of the twin, or in another word since the fall from the wooden bridge.

Late at night when everyone is asleep, same goes for the bandits who spread on the floor, and some are sleeping on each other.

Dogra wake up annoyed at the sound of the barking dog, getting up as he mumble " how annoying! ".

He reached the door , wanting to shut up the annoying dog " why don't you shut up?", bar is he open the door , he yelp getting shocked but what he sees, as he started shouting " Boss! Boss Dadan"

The said women woke up from her dteamland at the shout of Dogra , not only but Magra also wake up, as he followed her to the door to look at what made Dogra shout like that, " who is it ?" Before they also help from shock.

" You two..."  Dadan looked shocked at the two kid who literally with injuries and  tattered clothes, standing their were Luffy and Himeko .

Dogra exclaimed with surprise and slightly relief " luffy and Homeko come back" as the both twin were panting, exhausted could be seen on their small faces.

Dadan come back to her sense, as she walked to the two troublemakers, who made her worry all this weak, but will never admits it " you fools! Both of you are alive! You two......!" As she holds on Luffy's cheeks and start pulling on them, knowing his a rubber.

" easy, easy, boss" Magra said trying to calm her down, considering the children state.

Dadan ignored him as she pulled harder on the cheeks boy, Himeko look at her with the corner of her eyes, not having the energy to do anything, as Dadan demanded " where were you ?!"

Magra interrupted her angry state, as he say in calm voice, trying not to scare the poor kids " Easy, easy, where the both of you were and what were th two of you doing?"

Luffy said while his face being stretched " we've been chased by wolves at the bottom of the valley".

Dogra grasped the main point as he smartly asked as he sweatdropped " what the both of you were  doing at the bottom of the valley?"

Luffy sweatdropped at that as he choose to remain silent, Himeko speak out for the first time since their disappearance with a poker face" we lost our way!"

Dadan veines popped as a tick mark appeared on her forehead, Dogra said trying to make them see the bright side " anyway ,it's nice that they're okay".

" yeah" magra agreeing with him, since they will not die on Garp's hand.

Realising Luffy cheeks as they snapped to normal, Dadan said with annoying tone " it's not okay! The pests come back!"

Dadan left them both from the back of their shirts, as she went inside, magra opened the door of a room for her, as she tossed both of them on a blanket and pillow, " why don't the two of you go to bed tonight? Both of you gotta work from tomorrow!"

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