chapter 15

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Luffy and Himoke turn their attention to the older boy who stand up and start walking towerd the door " where is he going?!" Luffy  was not the only one wandering but also Himeko.

" Here we go!" Ignoring the three bandit who are trying to get their boss head out of the floor, luffy walk towerds the door followed by Homeko.

Finally able to get her from the floor,  " where the two of you are going ?!" Just as Dadan sits, with injured forehead as blood was slide along her side face, she noticed the two brats,running outside, she paused as she remember something " Did you just say ' pirate'?"as she shouted with shocked face.

" They're not listening! " as she continue shouting, as Luffy and Himeko run after the raven haired older  boy " hey" Luffy called but get nothing as the door closed, Himeko wanted to the door to push it, put stopped when when she noticed Luffy pausing for a second, before he nods towards Himeko with determination as the both of them push the door open, and running outside.

While Dadan was fuming with anger, as the two little kids ignore her words, "see? They're too tough! That's why I didn't wanna take care of Garp's grandchildren!", Magra like always tried to calm her down " Easy, easy , boss"

Back to Homeko and Luffy who are running after Ace, " hey" Luffy called again, " wait for us!" As Luffy called again.

Ace stopped as he looked pissed as the two kids trailing after him, as he gritted his teeth , "My name is Luffy! And that's Himeko" Himeko flashed him a smile, titling her head in cute way as she waved at him.

Ace sweatdropped as he kept a straight face ,trying hard not to melt at the cute site.

As Luffy continue shouting while also giving him a wide smile and also waving at him with both hands" I'm not mad about you spitting on me anymore!" Remembering shanks Himeko smiled widened, looking at Luffy, as he also remembered the bandit smashing the bottle of alcohol on shanks head drenching him completely, another one when shanks was laughing as Makino trying to dry him with dry rag, luffy as will as himeko still remember as Luffy shouted at him ' why are you laughing ?!" But shanks smiled still sitting on the ground with alcohol drip drop from him as he replied calmly still smiling ' He only spilled some booze on me. It's nothing worth getting mad over'

As Luffy repeated the same words as Shanks " it's nothing worth getting mad over. Let's become friends! Are you going somewhere?! "

Dispite Ace thinking Homeko being cute, he kicked the tree beside him, as it started breaking " Darn it" Homeko muttered under her breath, as Ace kicked the tree again breaking it completely as it started rolling towards them, only then did Luffy who was still waving relize the tree trunk was rolling towards them.

Himeko brian strat working fast, as she calculated, she started running towerds the tree unlike her brother who run the opposite direction, legs bending sliding and her head bent slightly to the side missing the tree trunk by centimeters , duking under the tree who had risen slightly up due to the uneven ground, surprising both boys.

Homeko know her brother was rubber so he wouldn't get injured, she blinked at the shocked Ace who has his mouth opened wide. But he calmed down as he turned around and continue walking , not noticing the sigh that escaped his mouth.

She didn't follow as she waited for Luffy,  Himeko wasn't angry at Ace, she mean her own grandpa throws them in a forest, throws them from a cliff, and tie them to ballones, so she wasn't mad at Ace,she still wanting to become friends with him.

Soon Luffy come with a pout , as some leaves in his heat, as an apology Himeko hugs Luffy and give him a kiss on his cheek, luffy smiled brightly at her as he started running in the direction Ace walked into, followed by Himeko who's trying to remove the leaves from his hear.

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