Chapter 4

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Please be advised that the content may include themes of sexual harassment, rape, abuse, violence, blood, alcohol, smoking, and other inappropriate material for children. There may also be depictions of fighting and starvation. Any other sensitive content will be flagged to you before it is presented in the story.


Despite the general belief that pirates consumed alcohol, they also valued freedom, which included the liberty to drink as they pleased. Himeko chose to indulge in milk and juice while Luffy protested, 'That was a deceitful act!' to which the remaining crew members chuckled.

Upon observing the scene, Makino had a gentle smile as Luffy deflated his cheeks and slid down the stool. Himeko gazed at the milk before turning her attention to Luffy and walking towards him. She placed her empty hand on her brother's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him with her gesture. 'It's okay, Luffy, we must be patient,' Himeko reassured him. Luffy exhaled and expressed his frustration, stating, 'Hmph! I'm growing weary of this. We even resorted to injuring ourselves in the face to be taken along.' Beckoning their attention, Ben Beckman's voice caused both Luffy and Himeko to turn towards him. They were not surprised to see him. 'The captain is simply making decisions for the greater good,' he remarked. Himeko uttered in confusion, while Luffy, looking puzzled, asked, 'How do you come to that conclusion, Mr. First Mate?'

Ben smiled at their perplexed yet endearing expression, understanding that one of them may one day become a captain in their own right. 'The safety of the entire crew and ship relies on his shoulders. Being a pirate isn't solely about enjoyment; there are numerous responsibilities such as plundering, taking hostages, heavy drinking, and even swimming!' Luffy appeared even more bewildered, while his twin was contemplative about the significant duties and obligations. However, the glance from the red-haired man, known as Shanks, suggested otherwise to her. Ben interrupted her thoughts to defend his captain, 'The captain is well aware of the perils of the sea as well! It can end your life in countless ways! He does not intend to dash your aspirations of becoming a pirate.' Luffy appeared enraged as he gritted his teeth, 'Well, I disagree! Shanks just enjoys making me appear foolish.' Himeko silently concurred with Luffy's sentiment.

Clearly upset, Luffy clenched his teeth in anger and expressed, 'I simply cannot believe it! Shanks seems to enjoy ridiculing me,' he exclaimed in frustration. Himeko, who stood beside Luffy, perceived his irritation and silently acknowledged, 'Ah, it appears Luffy feels the same way.' Shanks, noticing Luffy's dismay, abruptly called out, 'Hey, Anchor, Akir,' using their nicknames, while his voice carried a tone of amusement. Luffy promptly reacted by saying, 'I told you!' The scene continued as Himeko, standing beside him, nodded in agreement and remarked, 'He truly enjoys mocking us,' directing her gaze towards Shanks, who struggled to contain his laughter. Shanks concurred, 'You're correct, Akir,' looking at the frustrated pair who had become dear to him and his crew. He then turned to his first mate Ben, chuckling, and said, 'Oh boy...I just love teasing these kids,'  leaning casually against the counter to face them.

Ben, visibly astonished, internally questioned Shanks' lack of subtlety, hoping for a more responsible and serious demeanor from his captain. Feeling helpless, Ben could only watch as the twins accused Shanks, leaving him with no choice but to awkwardly respond, 'Hmm... maybe the kids have a point...'

Makino, the barmaid, entered the scene carrying a barrel and noticed Shanks and his crew enjoying themselves. With a gentle smile, she addressed Shanks, 'Captain Shanks! It's delightful to see you and your crew having a good time.' Then, she shifted her attention to Luffy and Himeko, the only children in the bar, recognizing that it was time for their meal. With a caring tone, she asked, 'Luffy, Himeko, would you like something to eat?'

Both Luffy and Himeko engage in grinding the D grin. Himeko expresses her gratitude by stating, 'That would be nice, thanks,' as she settles on the stool. Luffy follows by saying, 'Yeah! Just put it on my treasure tab!' while taking a seat on the stool next to Himeko, who is seated beside Shanks.

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