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   My names Belle Malik, yup Zayn Malik sister oh what didn't know he had four sisters? Yeah most people don't because when I was six I was announced I was imperfect for my family. Great family right yeah I was said I would get no where in life. Anyway I was sent off to live with my nan so I grew up with her she's more of my mum then my real mum. Anyway right now im in a sound booth finishing my singing I was so into singing I didn't notice/see someone enter so because of that I didn't know they were there so when they clapped I about jumped out of my skin.

"That was wonderful did you write it?" the guy asked when I looked up you could say I was shocked because  Simon Cowell was in the control panel of the booth 

I nod " yeah I wrote it "

"where did you get the music from?" he asked looking curious 

"I um well recorded it earlier then put it all together" he looked impressed. You im still a little shocked that he's here and not with One Direction.

" Very good what do you plat instrument wise?"


"are you good at them is what I should've asked?"

I nod "yea I am you see music Is my passion always has been always will be, it helps m escape the world"

"How are you not famous yet or signed even the way you talk is deep but you look like you could have fun and you sing amazingly and you play music amazing ok question how long have you been coming to this studio?"

"ummm since I was 16 so about 3 years" his face was priceless

"And im just know hearing you!?!?" I shrug because I don't know

"I guess so "

He shakes his head "well will you like to be signed by me?"

" I would love to, then I could show them I ain't imperfect" I mutter the last part but he must of heard because he asks


"Yeah my family"

"What of them?"

"Well Mr. Cowell you know them."

His mouth drops open " Who?"

"Zayn Malik" I say with a smirk

"No he only has three sisters and their all younger then him" I laugh I couldn't stop it from happening

" yeah no he's got four im his twin sister let's start at the beginning so you understand well when I was six my ' mother' had us sing to her she was always a perfectionist well anyway I didn't want her to start perfecting me so I sang off key well because of that she sent me to live with my nan SIX and I've been their since but I can sing and play every instrument but I didn't want my nan to tell her so she didn't see my nan is more of my mum then my actually mum but anyway so to most of the family the ones that I don't talk to im nonexistent the family that I do talk to don't agree with what my mum did so they don't talk to all of them and talk to me and nan." his mouth is hanging open with eyes huge I smile at him

" but you don't even look like them"

" Well I have tan skin and black hair but I have dimples and grey eyes so since I didn't look like them it was another imperfection"

"Wow I never knew " I smile widely showing my dimples

"Of course you didn't they make sure that people don't now about me"

"Well Belle I would love if you let me sign you will you?"

I smile "I would love to but first I have a question what do you think of body piercings because I've got a bunch"

He nods "yeah their fine and im gunna guess you have  tattoos too?"

I nod and say' yeah but first let me tell you the piercings they are snake bites, eyebrows, nose, tongue, belly button, and a lot on both ears. And the tattoos I have three so far but I will be getting more soon the first is on my right side of my stomach it's a saying it says '... you never know how far you'll fly until you spread your wings and try...' one on my right wrist it's a heart with angel wings on it then on my left ankle is Latin for Zayn" when I say the last one he gets a puzzled look as if wondering why I would have it so I explain " I have Zayn because I had always hoped he would see sense and come to me but as you see that never happened" I answer with a sad smile

"okay Princess be here tomorrow at six."

I nod and say" princess?" he just nods and smiles so I smile back and say " okay then thanks Uncle Sim ill see you tomorrow at six." I grab my bag and walk out walking home thinking about all that's happened today when I get home I fall strait asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

A/N okay he everybody this is my first fan fic so I hope you like the start of it. Anyway it doesn't really get that much into stuff with One direction at the beginning its my OC's story but they are in it but it doesn't really focus on them its mostly Zayn and my OC so sorry out their for some of you people.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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