A Lying Witch and a Warden {Part 1}

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Finally! The first episode!

So just to be clear, Nova is basically half dragon, and we don't know why right now (Which I may or may not go deeper into that- I'm still brainstorming ideas). Luz has clearly known for quite a while now and is the only person that knows about it other than her parents, and helps keep her secret.

I can't think of anything else to add so let's get this show on the road!


A green haired figure leapt back on the edge of a cliff, staring back at a monstrous snake with determination and a raised staff.

"Foolish child, I could swallow you whole!" The purple, yellow-eyed serpent snarled, hissing.

"Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the good witch Azura, Warrior of Peace." Azura clenched her fist, looking away as the the wind howled, but soon whipping her head back to glare at the Gildersnake with her staff positioned over her shoulder and pointed at the monster. "Now eat this, sucka!"

Her staff shot bursts of flames, striking the snake down. "No! My only weakness! Dying!"

The serpent died, thudding as it's body hit the ground.

"And that's the end." Luz remarked, dressed in her usual purple and white hoodie with jeans, grasping and Azura action figure in her left hand and a green snake in the other.

"The end of what?" Her mother questioned as she stood next to the school principal seated at his desk.

"Our book report." Luz grinned, Nova nodding in agreement behind the girl, wearing a black hoodie with pockets, ripped graffiti jeans, and her Slytherin cap. "I think we knocked it out of the park."

The principal pinched the bridge of his nose. "Your book report is why you're in here." Outside the office, students screamed in terror, most of them with snakes hanging off them.

Nova glanced at the door at his words. "Oh. So that's where the backup snakes were. Sorry, Mista' Hal."

"And what were you going to do with this?" The Noceda mom held up multiple fireworks tied together.

"That was for the act three closer." Luz replied in downcast.

Camila stepped forward and squatted down to face Luz. "Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Yours too, Nova. Do you both remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?"

"O' happy dagger, give me death!" Luz raised a spork in the air, pretending to plunge a dagger in her chest as she ripped open a piece of the dress fabric and allowed sausage links to burst out as she 'died' onstage.

Students shrieked and fled the stage, freaked out by the display.

"Best Romeo and Juliet tryout yet." Nova laughed quietly from behind the curtain.

Nova finished stitching the head into a model of a baby griffin, glancing at the girl beside her.

"Now for the final anatomically correct touch. Spider breath. If you would do the honors, Luz." Nova adjusted her Slytherin cap, winking.

The brunette flicked the griffin statue's mouth, letting little black spiders spew from it's open beak, the class screaming in terror and flinging random objects everywhere.

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