A Lying Witch and a Warden {Part 2}

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Guys! Part 2 is here!

Now onto the story!


The three climbed inside, Luz faceplanting while Nova and King had a better landing.

"Haha, cats don't do that!" King pointed at the human.

Nova nudged her with a teasing smile after she stood up. "Noceda, I thought cats were supposed to land on their feet."

They walked further into the tower, faced with rows upon rows of cells in a spiral, at least one witch or demon locked away inside.

"Hey, cat lady and the other one!" A voice came from a cell behind the trio, the speaker a tanned witch with blue hair and green eyes. "How'd you get out of your cells?"

"Oh, no, no, no. I'm not a cat." Luz tugged her hood down.

"It's always nice to be referenced at 'the other one'." Nova grumbled.

"Also," Luz glanced at her before turning back to the prisoner. "We're not criminals."

"Not yet, you're not!' King piped up from his position on Luz's shoulder.

Nova scoffed, crossing her arms. "Speak for yourself."

"Wait wha-"

Luz was cut off by the witch behind bars. "Neither are we. The stupid warden likes to lock people up who don't fit in." She pulled a book from out of nowhere, opening to pages with a couple pictures of food. "Like, I write fanfics of food falling in love. I like food, I like love, just let me write about it!"

"I'm here because I like eating my own eyes." A blue demon with multiple eyes and eye holes on his head chimed in. He grabbed one and stuffed it in his mouth, gulping it down before it appeared back in its place.

Nova shuddered, but appreciated his bold weirdness.

"We are agents of free expression! They will never silence us!" A tiny white-skinned demon with colorful eyes, ginger hair, and a large nose spoke up from another cell.

"Yeah, she's really big into conspiracy theories." The first witch pointed to the demon.

"The world is a simulation! We are but playthings for a higher being!"

"Huh. Somehow, I bet that's true." Nova pondered.

"Wait. These aren't crimes. None of you actually did anything wrong." Luz thought aloud, slowly pacing in front of the cells, pulling out Eda's wanted poster from earlier. "You're all just a bunch of weirdos. Like me."

Nova nodded, walking over to stand by Luz. "And me. We're all just a little stranger than normal."

Suddenly, thunderous thudding footsteps were heard, drawing closer to the door to the spiral cell room.

"It's Warden Wrath! Hide!" The food fanfiction witch exclaimed.

Luz yelped, dropping the poster while Nova dragged her into an empty cell next to the tiny big-nosed demon. She grabbed the bars above and yanked them down.

"I can hear you." A huge, burly demon guy drawled in a low voice as he thrust open the door.

He had a vulture-type mask with criss crossed pupil yellow eyes, a white outfit with a brown belt, a hood, and a triangle crest pinned to his chest. He stalked closer to the cells, his purple-skinned hands formed into fists.

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