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Will flinched, his eyes opening and shifting to the sound of the voice. Though he didn't need to see their face to know who it was.


Mike gave him that damned smile, before shutting Will's bedroom door behind him. "Sorry if I woke you."

"I wasn't really sleeping. Was just thinking." Will assured him. "...What are you doing here? Who let you in?"

The other started walking around Will's room, analyzing the drawings and posters on the walls. "Jonathan actually only just left. I managed to catch him just before he left for work and he let me in." He stopped at the tiger stuffed animal beside Will's dresser and picked it up. Will could tell his mind was dancing around something. He was here for something. "I locked the door behind me when I came in, so don't worry about that."

"I wasn't going to." Will said, just above a whisper.

He reverted his eyes to the long-forgotten sketchbook propped up on his thighs. There were a few different things sketched out on the paper. An apple, a vase, the face of a poster from across the room of him, the tiger stuffed animal that Mike was holding at this very moment, and Mike. A few Mikes, actually. One small Mike in the corner, an unfinished sketch of Mike's side profile, and Mike's smile from that moment just before the trip to save El. That stupid smile.

Will sighed and closed the sketchbook, not wanting Mike to see any of that. He set it beside him on his bedside table and crossed his arms comfortably over his stomach before closing his eyes.

"What were you thinking about?" Mike asked. Now it was Mikes turn to watch Will. He stared at Will's relaxed face.

Mike felt his face warm at the sight. The afternoon sunlight slipped through the blinds and landed delicately on Will. He looked entirely unreal. And his hair... his hair looked unbelievably soft. He suddenly got this urge to comb his fingers though it.

Will shrugged. "Nothing all that important."

The taller smiled and turned his attention back to the tiger. "I'm sure I'd love to hear it anyways. You're always fun to listen to." He set it back down where it sat before. "I've missed it. For a while now."

"Missed what?" Will's brows furrowed.

You. Mike automatically thought. "Listening to you." He chose to water himself down instead. "I know... this past year, I've been distant."

Will chuckled. "That's an understatement."

"Yeah." Mike smiled. It was strange how lighthearted this exchange was, with it being about him being a shitty friend and all. Mike thought, but chose not to mention it. He walked towards the bed, and looked down at Will, who seemed to not take notice. "And I know I said I would fix that problem... but these past two weeks, I kind of..."

He trailed off, not even really knowing how to approach this.

"I know." Will muttered. "You and El broke up. It's normal for you to want to be alone."

Mike frowned and shook his head, though he knew Will couldn't see it. "Well, yeah, but it's not just-"

"Mike. It's fine. Please don't worry about it." Will said calmly.

"No!" Mike rose his voice and he saw Will stiffen at the sound. He immediately calmed himself. "Everyone thinks I'm... hurt by El breaking up with me, but I'm not. I'm glad, actually. I was planning on breaking up with her before she did it with me. Since spring break, actually. And-and after she broke up with me I've felt so much lighter. But there's something else that's... it's eating me, Will."
Mike sat down beside Will, his hip meeting Will's side. Will immediately opened his eyes. The feeling of Will's hazel eyes on him almost made him squirm. He couldn't ignore the way the afternoon sun lighted his eyes so well. He couldn't ignore how the bits of green that dotted them were suddenly so much more visible. He felt his body heat up from head to toe and he was certain his face was the bright red of a tomato, but he held the eye contact anyways.

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