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“You have not!”

“Yes I have!”

“Don't lie! You've never even kissed someone, how could you be in love?”

“You don't have to kiss someone to be in love, Mike. It's more complicated than that.”

Mike grinned. “Then who are you in love with if you know so much about it?”

Will hesitated for a moment, fiddling his thumbs. “None of your business, Wheeler.”

“Hah!” Mike pointed at him, a big smile on his face. “You hesitated! You've never been in love with anyone!”

“No, I just don't want to tell you who it is!”

“And why not? I'm your best friend, if you were in love with anyone then I'd be the first to know…” Mike’s expression seemed to falter a bit, doubt taking over his face. “Right?”

“I-” Will bit his lip, not knowing what to say. In theory, Mike was right, but...he couldn't tell him. He could tell him if he was in love with anyone else, but...he’s in love with the very boy in front of him. Mike Wheeler. He couldn't tell him he was in love with him, or any boy for that fact.

“Do you not trust me?” Mike was obviously hurt, the playful tone completely out of his voice now. Will started to say something but Mike shook his head. “Mo, it's okay. You don't have to tell me, I get it.”

“M-Mike, no. It's not that I don't trust you, I just...it's complicated.”

“Complicated? I've been through complicated, Will. You can tell me anything, I'd never judge you. I don't even care if it's one of our friends. But...I get it. You don't have to tell me.” Mike pouted at the ground, his words contradicting the anger in his cheeks. Will was his best friend, why wouldn't he tell him?

“Mike, I wish I could tell you, I really do but-”

“Then why can't you tell me? What's stopping you, Byers?”

“Me. I'm stopping me, Mike. I just can't tell you.” His voice sounded small, he was sure he sounded pathetic. Mike could probably hear his heart beating fast in his chest, beating for him.

“Why not?” Mike’s voice was harsh, but desperate at the same time. Did his best friend not trust him? “What's the point of being best friends if you can't trust me with stuff like this?”

Will looked up to him, his words frightening him. Will felt his heart twist at his words. What was he saying? Did he not want to be best friends anymore? “What do you mean?”

“What's the point of it, Will? Friends are supposed to trust each other and…you don't.” Years threatened Mike’s eyes, his voice was shaking. He didn't know what he was saying, he loved Will. He didn't want to stop being his friend. He wanted to stay with him. Even if he couldn't admit it, deep down he wanted to be more. He hated what he was saying, but he couldn't stop. he just couldn't stop.

Will was speechless, looking up at him with scared eyes. He didn't want Mike to leave him, he longed to be with him forever. Mike couldn't take looking at those big, sad eyes that he loved so much anymore. He stood up, walking towards the door.


Mike hesitated, turning back slightly to see if he'd continue.

“What if I told you I've been in love with you since we were kids?”

Mike stopped at the door, turning back completely. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Will Byers was in love with him. Will Byers, his best friend, is in love with him.

“You are?”

Will looked down, terrified. “Yeah.” He refused to look up. He stuttered and picked at his nails, panic swelling up in his chest. He can't believe he just confessed to his love, Mike wheeler. his best friend, Mike wheeler, who might hate him now. Who might call him slurs and hit him just like anyone else would. “I-I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, I-I I'm sorry I just…I couldn't let you just leave a-and-”

He heard shuffling towards him, and soon enough Mike wheeler had his arms wrapped around him. Will kept his shoulders tensed and his breathing stopped until he heard Mike speak softly.

“I think I love you too.”

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