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"What do you mean?" Mike stood outside the school, looking very confused at his two friends. They were waiting on Will, who was using the bathroom.

"You look at him all like," Lucas put on a girly voice, "Will! Oh my god Will! I love you so much! Let's get married!"

"Pfft. No I don't." Mike tried to shake him off. "Of course not. Right Dustin?"

Dustin raised his eyebrows and held his hands up. "I ain't getting involved."

Mike furrowed his eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

Just as Mike was going to make another jab at him, he seen Will approaching them and his face softened. "Ready?" he said to Will and smiled.
Will nodded and got on his bike.

Lucas was snickering. Mike turned his head to look at his friend; who winked at him.
Mike felt himself getting angry at him again but he didn't shout because Will was there.

The four boys took off down the hill and began to cycle. As usual, Mike and Will took the front while Lucas and Dustin followed behind them.

Mike was quiet. He was thinking in his head. Of course he didn't like Will. Will was a boy. Boys were gross and they smelled awful.
But Will doesn't smell awful. Will smells nice. He smells like pine trees and flowers. Not like the overwhelming floral aroma of a girl's perfume like Nancy's.
He smelled like the earth's natural flowers. It was like he lived in a god damn forest or something.
Mike mentally beat himself up and silently willed his brain to shut up. It's not normal to go around thinking that your best friend smells like flowers. Or that he had big beautiful eyes. Or that he looked really handsome when his hair moved in the wind as he cycled. And oh shit. He was staring at Will again.

He heard another snort from Lucas behind him and gritted his teeth. Lucas was pushing all his buttons today and he wanted nothing more than to deck him.
"Screw you Lucas!" he said aloud. Will whipped his head to him, a startled expression on his face and Mike wanted nothing more than to take the words back in again.
"Wow-" Will said, "What was that for?"

Mike stopped his bike. "Lucas has been a total asshole to me all day!" he turned around to Lucas, who had an offended look on his face, which only made Mike angrier. "Stop looking all hurt! You've been doing nothing but pushing my buttons all day!"

Lucas looked frustrated. "It's not my fault you're hopelessly in love with Will!"

The group went silent.

Will was the first to speak. "Wait...what?"
Dustin was the second. "Oh shit, Lucas. You messed up."
Mike was the third. "I'm not! I have no idea where you got this thought from, but I am not! You don't know anything!"
He took a step towards Lucas. Lucas pushed him back. "Back off! You are! And you won't admit it to yourself! It's ridiculous!"
Mike's face grew a shade of red. He didn't know if it was from anger or it was because Will was standing right behind him. "Shut up!"
Lucas kept going. "You don't even want to talk to me or Dustin anymore! It's just Will Will Will constantly!"

Mike shook his head. "I am not in love with Will! Why would I be? Look at him!"

Mike glanced at Will, who flinched and looked hurt and confused. "I'll see you guys later, alright?"

"Will. Wait. I can explain."  Mike tried to follow him, but Dustin held him back.

"Mike, don't. Give him space." He had a firm grip on his friend, but it was forgiving and comforting. He felt bad for him.

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