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Mike was struggling really badly in Maths. He was awful at it.

He wasn't like Dustin, Lucas or Will. They were good at several different subjects. Mike was only good at one.


He knew that he ought to just study more, like his mom said over and over when he got bad grades.
Or find different ways to learn the subjects like his teachers said. They said that different students learn differently and at different paces.
His friends told him to get a tutor. Lucas got one, and he said that it was the best thing he ever did.

He tried all of these things. None of them worked.
He asked his mom to get him a tutor. She agreed, but told him that Nancy could tutor him.
Mike refused that pretty quickly.

He tried to study more, but it didn't work. The letters and numbers seemed to swim across the pages like water. He couldn't keep his focus no matter what he tried.

He tried to find different ways of learning. But he found that none of them worked. 
Mike gave up. He just figured that he would never achieve anything. He would just grow up and become a scientist or something.

He was in Math. It was a Tuesday. Also his least favorite day of the week because they had a double lesson.

The class was loud. Everyone was doing paired work. He was with Dustin.

Mike had given up. He sat at his desk next to his curly haired friend, one arm propped up on his elbow.

Dustin had tried to motivate him. "Look, we've only got three questions left. You're doing great."

Mike had shaken his head. Dustin was always the good one with Mathematics.
Mike furrowed his eyes at the shared paper.

He didn't understand any of it. It was futile.
He sighed, leaning back in his chair. 
Dustin mumbled an "It's okay." and continued on with the work.
This wasn't the first time this had happened between the two boys. Dustin was used to it by now. He didn't try to push his friend to do anything that made him stressed.

Mike looked up from his desk, looking to the right where Lucas and Will were working.
Both boys were smiling. Will stuck his tounge out as he furiously wrote something down onto paper, handing it to Lucas who checked it for him. He let out a "That's it!" and high fived his friend.

Mike didn't think much of it. Then Lucas put his arm on Will's back, rubbing and patting it in a form of saying congratulations.

Mike felt a pang of jealousy in his chest and he glared at Lucas.
"Mike?" Dustin snapped him out of his thoughts and he whirled his head around to his concerned friend.

"Yeah?" Mike asked, startled to be back in the real world.

Dustin shook his head, "I thought you were going to murder Lucas with that look. You looked like Eleven." he let out a breath of laughter.

Mike rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up." Dustin raised his eyebrows at him, "I just have a resting bitch face." he added.

Dustin's expression didn't change but he decided not to challenge the other boy. 
"Right..." he said sarcastically, turning his attention back to the work.

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