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Will was in pain. He didn't show it to anyone. He didn't want to cause any more worry.

Will wasn't in pain over what his therapist thought he was. He wasn't in pain over the Upside Down or the Demogorgon. Those events seemed like a lifetime away. The only times he thought of those things was when it was at night and he was alone.

He was in pain over Mike. It hurt him to think how much he liked Eleven. He still talked about her to this day. He missed her so much.

Will didn't tell anyone but his mom about these feelings. Mainly because Will would come home crying every night that he was at the Wheelers'. Joyce was worried because her son was distancing himself from his friends. He barely left the house. He avoided Mike as much as he could without being suspicious. It hurt to see him.

One of the only reasons that Will was determined to make it out of the Upside Down was that Mike was on the other side.
He of course had his mom, Jonathan and his friends but Mike always stuck in his head. It was in that "place" where he found that he had feelings for him.

Will tried to move on. But it was hard. He spent all his spare time laying in bed, not doing anything productive and having no motivation.

He wanted to get out of the Upside Down to see Mike, kiss him, and tell him how he felt. The times where Will was so close to death, he regretted not doing all of these things. He never wanted to experience that feeling again. So he swore that if he ever seen Mike again he would tell him everything.

But then he got out. He learned about Eleven. He learned about how Mike had his first kiss. Mike told him how it gave him butterflies.

Will felt sick then. He couldn't run away, when he was permanently glued to the hospital bed.
It was horrible. Will fell into a depression then, not wanting to see Mike's face again, no matter how much it pained him.

Jonathan knocked loudly on the door, waking him up. "Time to get up Will! Breakfast is ready!"
Will groaned sleepily. Turning over in his bed, he got up, yawning and stretching.
He opened his bedroom door and walked down the hall, rubbing his eyes.
What a horrible dream. He had a lot of them lately. All they did was remind Will of how much pain he was in.

Flopping into his seat at the table, he yawned again, his eyes half open.
Jonathan laughed, ruffling his brother's hair as he put a plate of scrambled eggs in front of him. "Morning sleepyhead."
Will muttered a "Morning." back to him, picking up his fork and eating his breakfast.
Joyce walked into the kitchen, looking at her watch frantically. "I forgot I had an early shift today. I need to go quickly." she announced into the room, at nobody in particular.
Jonathan sighed. "Have a nice day at work, Mom."
She nodded, not looking up, "You too. Have a lovely day at school sweetie." she said and kissed Will on the head. The called out a goodbye as she closed the door after her.

Jonathan watched her leave through the kitchen window. He took his own plate and sat next to Will. "So what classes do you have today?"
Will was now fully awake. "Uh.." he looked up, searching his head. "Oh! Geography and Art. And the normal subjects. You know, Math, English, stuff like that." he smiled.
"Geography and Art, huh? Aren't those your favourites?" Jonathan looked to his brother and smiled gently.
Will nodded. "Yeah"

They ate their breakfast while making small talk. When they both finished, Jonathan picked up their plates and put them in the sink, covering them in soapy water and beginning to wash them. "Go get changed." he said, "I'll give you a lift over. It looks like it's going to rain."

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