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New years eve was just around the corner when Will found himself sulking on top of his old bed. The rest of the house was full of bright lights and his family’s happy cheers as they decorated every inch of the living room for the upcoming party — but behind Will’s closed bedroom door it was dark and gloomy as the tunes from U2’s ‘With our without you’ came pouring from the old record player across the room. He stared with empty eyes at the ceiling, completely unaffected by the laughter from the other side of the door to his old room.

Will usually loved New years eve- infact; it was his favorite time of the year. With delicious food, beautiful fireworks and everyone dressing up. The stress caused by Christmas slowly subsided and promises of a fresh start filled the air. It was a time for hope and new beginnings; but this time around, Will found himself utterly hopeless. Every year since as long as he could remember, his childhood friends would get together and celebrate. Regardless of how far away they were or how long it had been since they last saw each other- they always had New years eve. This year, however- Michael Wheeler would be absent for the first time ever and Will hated it. He hadn’t seen his best friend in over three months and missing him was becoming unbearable.

He grunted in frustration and turned to face the wall when there was a soft knock on the door. Will ignored it, knowing it was his worried mother wanting to check on him yet again.

- “I told you to leave me alone” he said to the wall when he heard the door slowly opening.

- “Wow, Jonathan said you were in a bad mood, but I never would’ve thought it was THIS bad.” said a voice that so clearly wasn’t his mother’s.

Will sat straight up and stared wide eyed at the gangly, black haired young man by the door. His heart was suddenly pounding, both from happiness and nervousness.

- “M-Mike? W-what are you doing here?” he stuttered. “I… I thought you were spending New years with El?”

Mike sighed and smiled, but it wasn’t a happy one. He slowly walked over and laid down on the bed beside his best friend and with eyes locked at the ceiling. Will laid down to do the same, a puzzled look on his face. After a few moments of silence, Mike finally found the courage to speak.

- “We broke up.” he said plainly.
Will turned his eyes to Mike in shock.

- “You, what???” he exclaimed. “But you seemed so happy together? What the hell happened?”

Mike just shrugged, falling into silence once again. This wasn’t the first time the two were lying on a bed talking about the hardships of life. When they hung out with Lucas and Dustin things were more frivolous and goofy; but as soon as Mike and Will were alone, deep conversations would take the place of stupid jokes and nerd-talk. They talked about everything there was to talk about; like what they wanted to do with their future, the meaning of life — or how Mike was going to ask El to be his girlfriend. That last conversation had been particularly difficult for Will, but being the great friend he was; he still gave any advice he could think of and Mike and El soon ended up being an official couple.

Mike’s dark eyes had never looked so dejected before. They filled Will with such worry, he had to look away for a while to calm down.

- “You know you can tell me anything, Michael.” he said with a soft voice.

Mike laughed, short but appreciative- though it sounded more like an exhale and than a laugh.

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