13 part 2

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Idk i just think this song is nice for for this story. The song goes with both parts. Just imagine hes talking about a guy i guess..

Mike pounded on the Byers' front door impatiently, his heart hammering in his ears. Luckily, Joyce wasn't home and Jonathan might not be either. It was barely 4:30, Will would probably answer the door. Mike was nearly shaking; he prayed Dustin wasn't lying. It had to be the truth, it had to be. There was no hope in shutting down his feelings now, the floodgates were open. No thought of Eleven was present, getting Will in his arms was the only thing he cared about. Maybe he'd care later, but right now he was acting on pure impulse.

After a few agonizing moments of Mike's incessant pounding, the door opened with a frightened looking Will behind it. "Mike? What's going---" Mike pushed himself inside before Will could even step aside. "Will, is anyone home other than us? We need to talk." He forced out urgently.

Will swallowed in worry. "No, it's just me here. Mike, what is this about?"

"Dustin told me how you feel about me. He told me you're... you're in love with me." Mike blurted out. Well, so much for cutting into it lightly. Straight to the point it was.

All the color from Will's face drained in an instant, his breathing suddenly picking up. "W-What?"

"Will. Is it true?" Mike pressed. He needed to know. He was feeling like a boiling kettle, and Mike needed to know before he spilled over.

Will looked to be on the verge of an anxiety attack: with a breathing pattern that was on the verge of hyperventilation, tremors moving down his spine and tears up in his eyes. He tried to open his mouth but nothing would come out. That wasn't what Mike wanted at all. He didn't want to upset Will anymore than he already had. He took a cautious step forward and gingerly grabbed Will's arms to steady him. He began to speak, although he knew it was the truth with Will's reaction. Who would react to the confrontation like that unless it was the truth? "Will, I'm not angry. I just want to know if it's the truth. I need to know if it's true..." His voice grew softer towards the end, feeling tears well up in his own eyes.

Mike had accidentally backed Will up against the entryway wall, the tears beginning to roll down Will's cheeks. Mike's hands flew up to Will's face, caressing him in comfort. "Tell me it's true." Mike breathed out once more in desperation, leaning down to press their foreheads together. The only thing Will could do was let out a small nod, closing his eyes and letting out a small whimper from the back of his throat. And that was it. That was all Mike needed to push himself forward and connect his lips to Will's.

Mike heard Will's breath catch, stopping completely. Mike worried he had just made a huge mistake, about to pull back until he felt Will move, chasing after Mike's lips and pressing himself into him, a hand curling itself into Mike's hoodie. Mike felt a timid smile playing on Will's lips, and Mike dropped his hands from Will's face only to snake his arms around Will's waist, pulling him in even more. Kissing Will was like coming home, as cheesy as it might sound. Kissing Will felt so familiar, so right. It felt as if they should've been doing this for years. Yet when they had to break apart, Mike only found himself wanting more.

Will had stumbled a little, Mike catching him. Will leaned his head into the crook of Mike's neck, the larger boy feeling little puffs of breath on his neck. They paused for a few seconds to breathe until Mike couldn't take it anymore, moving himself back to a bit of an awkward angle in order to steal another kiss from Will.

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