Chapter one

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Thank you for giving my story a chance !! this takes place in phase 4 !!! this story will get better i promise because all of the plot twist i have in mind will blow you away. the first couple of chapters will be boring and short but wait until we get settled into the Xavier school, you will want to turn off your phone or even close your computer from the decisions or stuff that was said.
Lorna woke up to her alarm blaring in her ear, she smacked it around a couple of times but no help, it wouldn't shut up.  She looked up as it was already 10:30 in the morning on a saturday. Lorna threw her alarm clock at the wall and it finally shut up. Lorna didn't really  know why but she felt this rush coming over her. This morning was gonna be a really good morning she thought to herself; she could feel it. She stood up from the bed and went straight to the record player. She got the album by  Daryl hall and John oates. played a track called man-eater, literally one of her favorite songs at the moment. She started dancing, busting as many moves as she could like she was in a movie. She heard banging coming from downstairs but she ignored it.

The verse of the song was about to come into tune but then she hear a weird noise behind her as she was facing the opposite way from the door . She slowly turned around to find a group of people at my door. They didn't even knock, they just watched her dance until one of the men cleared his throat. Lorna ran straight to the record player to turn it down which took her a minute so she just unplugged it. she looked down at the floor from embarrassment.
"uhhh hello." She questions as she was still in shock. random people are at her door and they just seen her dance randomly at 10 in the morning.

*moments before*

"okay so what are you guys doing in my room" Peter groaned as looked at the clocked. "its 10 in the morning." He covered his face with a pillow as he waited for an answer from his fellow friends that barged into his room. "you're mom just let us in." Peter hears Scott say. "eww gross." Peter threw the pillow that was covering his face from the sunlight at him.

"well, Scott told me about the problems that your sister has and well I wanted to  help in any way I could, after all I do owe you for breaking into the pentagon." Peter was too tired to even give comprehend what was going on.Peter told Scott not to say or yell anyone about his sister but here we go, Scott the snitch. "wait what, you guys broke into the pentagon." Scott said, amazed. "yes but it was only for a mission, and that's why you're still alive." Erik looked straight at Scott. Peter got up from his  bed and looked at all of them, The Professor, Erik, Scott and Beast. then he punched Scott in the arm. "Snitch." Peter Whispered to him. Scott just said a little oww.

"well yes but actually you guys kinda made matters worse."  Beast better known as Hank, chimes in as he fixes his glasses. We just looked at him as Scott just repeatedly hit him with the pillow. "anyways do you guys want anything to drink." They all politely said no until music started to blare throughout the house.

Peter grabbed one of his crutches and started to bang on the ceiling, trying to make his sister turn down the music. It's way too early for Music to be playing this loud around the house but on the bright side Peter did find these crunches  in the dumpster next to Kmart. Peter was the type of guy you would hang out with but only if you want to cause havok.

"Do you guys want to meet her? this would be the perfect time cause she seems like she is in a good mood." Peter looked at them as he kept repeatedly hit the roof. "Yes, we would Love too." The professor said, "not me though, I'm going to be playing Pac-man on this." Scott gave them all a thumbs up and went straight to the Pac-man game. "okay then, follow me." Peter justurad at them.

They  finally made it up to Peters sister's room. Peter didn't knock bd just swung the door open and there she was , Lorna Dane dancing. she finally saw them at the door and was immediately embraced , her face was historical to Peter which made him laugh. "uh, hello." she said as she stood still, nervous. Lorna has always been the quiet one, the one that wants to do everything right but it never goes her way, even when making friends, she sucks at it. she basically hides in her room all day cause my mom pulled her out of school cause her powers kept getting dangerously progressed. Peter is seriously worried for her. especially the safety of others.

"may I help you?" Lorna questioned as She looked at three grown men standing at her door, then she looked at her brother . "ya I was wondering the same." Peter chimed in as he walked into Lorna's room and stood right next to her. " Hello my name is Charles Xavier but I am more known as the professor at the school I run for mutants. These are my colleagues Erik Lensherr and Hank McCoy, and we want to help you." Theguy in the wheelchair named Charles said. Lorna was so confused. how could Her own  brother rat her out like that, how could he after he promised to keep it a secret, to keep who she was a secret. she just look at her brother with a death glare as he just smiled back at her.

Lorna looked back to look at the men at my door "hello, the name is Lorna Dane and I am completely fine, I don't need help, I have it all under control, so please take your worries with you." She said while waving at them. "if you come with us then you would be in a school full of people who have the same struggles as you lorna." Hank said

"Thanks but no, I like my room and I don't want to be as absent from my house like Peter, I'll take up on your offer another time though. goodbye." Lorna walked towards the door to shut it but Peter stopped her. "Lorna please take them up on they're offer, they never do this. This is a chance of a lifetime please don't screw it up because of your ego. you have a problem and your powers are getting out of control, let them help you." Peter pleaded. She hates how her brother was right but she don't know, she was conflicted. "no i'm okay, i can control my powers no need to worry."

"i won't let them hurt you, so please trust me. get some help." Peter grabbed her  hand as his face filled with sadness. "fine." There faces changed from she isn't going to budge to surprise that I said yes. "what do I need to do, bring and say goodbye too." Lorna huffed looked around her room,  looked at the old photos and memories. All she ever wanted to do was to make Peter proud of her, so she said yes. A brand new start is what she really needed.....Brand new start to a life. "pack your clothes, values, bathroom things, literally anything and say goodbye to your friends cause I don't think you'll be coming back unless it's to see your mom ." Charles said.

when Professor X said friends, Lorna couldn't help but let out a little laugh.. "Yes sir." she sarcastically replied. My room is downstairs next to the living area so they just rolled and walked out to let me finish getting my things settled. Lorna's  bedroom is on the first floor but Peter's room is in the basement so she wondered how Professor X got downstairs. Lorna doesn't even need to say goodbye to anyone besides her  mom, she is the only friend Lorna has truly had in her life besides Peter. Besides that Lorna has no social life. She has  no friends, or even a boyfriend, which is sad. let's see what this new school, the classmates and this new world has for Lorna. it couldn't be worse than what is going on. she is doing this for Peter

sorry for it being short i promise it gets BETTER

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