Chapter Seven

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4 months later

Lorna has been practicing fighting, being restrained, having balance and all those other things that will make you a good fighter and have excellent use of their powers. Erik has been warming up to Lorna but not quite fully, he has a lot of trust issues but with Lorna he feels like she could be trusted. Erik taught her how to use her powers but Erik could tell that they aren't fully unlocked. He had some doubts about showing her more cause he thought that Lorna was even more powerful than him.

Erik was always self conscious about his powers but never showed it, he mainly rebelled against the X-men group cause he felt like he was taken for granted, well a partial reason. Lorna has been looking up to Erik as a father figure in a way. She feels some sort of connection with him and especially these past months with them training together. Erik started to get curious about her and her life.

Lorna and Hank aren't a thing and they haven't been hanging out like they used to. Hank tries to avoid Lorna which is unfair and unkind of him. She tried to confront him many times but things always got in the way.

"I have a question." Erik asks as they stretch. "What is it?" "What's your family situation like, I don't mean to intrude or anything." "oh no you're fine don't worry." She huffed and sat up straight. "well bare with me, kinda a long story, basically my birth mother dropped me off at peters moms house when i was only 2 months old, she didn't want anything to do with me, i still don't know who she is or why she even did that, but for one main reason i knew was that Peter and I had the same dad, so that's what we guess on why she chose my moms house, even tho she isn't my birth mother, she is still my mother. family doesn't have to be by blood or anything."

Lorna looked around dreading for the next words, she looked down at the necklace that Peter gave her and continued. "I promised if I ever met our father, I would make his life hell, he left Peter and I without even knowing us which sucked." "caused issues for us in the long run, he could've come back into our life's if he really wanted to." Lorna ran her hand on the floor.

"Our dad was the mutant, I always wanted to know what kind of mutant caused Peter and I don't have the same pow-." Lorna stopped mid sentence as Peter barged in through the doors.
This was the first time that Erik and Lorna were ever caught. "what the hell !!! Are you doing here with him, didn't I warn you?" Erik and Lorna quickly stood up from the floor as they both looked at peter. "calm down peter." Lorna stepped in as she got in front of Erik. "I told you that he is a scumbag, why don't you listen."

Erik was now totally confused on what Peter was on about. "dude what the fuck, he isn't a scum bag, he has been helping me with my training and how to use my fucking powers, that's why i've been doing better in simiulations, so please what are you on about." Peter just glared at Erik, pure rage written on his face. "Come on let's go." Peter aggressively grabbed Lorna's arm and that's when Erik interfered. "she doesn't want to be around you, let her go." Erik got in Peter's face as he tried to separate them.

"else what macho man.'' Peter tugged on Lorna's arm as she winced in pain. "You are not doing any good, you're putting your sister in pain, just let her go." Erik sternally said. "or else what.'' Peter lets go of Lorna and goes closer to Erik's face. "or else what old man." Peter had so much anger built up inside of him, he has never shown anybody his true colors especially when he was around Lorna. he had so much built up that he finally let it out. He pushed Erik with force. "or else what, you're just gonna leave again." Peter pushed him again. "you....scumbag." Peter pushed him again. Erik wipes his face with his hand as Lorna finally gets in between them too.
"what the fuck are you talking about peter." Lorna looks so confused. "Do you wanna tell her or should i." Peter looked straight at Erik without breaking contact. "i-i didn't." Erik kept stuttering but Peter introupdd him.

"I'm sorry lorna." "sorry for what." Lorna's voice started to raise. "He's our dad." Peter looked like he was on the verge of tears but the funny part was that he wasn't, he was just pissed. "what." Lorna said confused with a shaky voice." "He can't be Peter, stop it." she pleads, she didn't want to be messed with. "I didn't know she was pregnant." is all you hear Erik whisper Lorna just slowly looked back at Erik. "TWICE, you didn't know that both of your girlfriends were pregnant TWICE, you couldn't even bother to check in." Lorna Yelled at some parts but tried to stay calm during others. Peter didn't talk or even cry, he was as silent as you could be.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me and my actions, I didn't know." Erik couldn't even bear to even look at Them. "then fucking look at us." she just pushed Erik again and again until she was in tears. Peter pulled her away and hugged her. "Stay away from us, do you understand?" Peter was pointing at Erik but Lorna quickly pushed Peter away. "Did you know about this?" "know about what Lor." "about him being our father, don't even try to act stupid right now." "yes." "how long, how long did you fucking know." "before breaking into the pentagon, before even stealing all those twinkies from the bus."
that's when Lorna knew that she didn't really have anybody in her life that she could fully trust. There was a moment of silence so Peter tried to grab her so they could get out of the room.

"Do not fucking touch me." Lorna sternly said. "How long did you know that I was your daughter?" Lorna looked straight into his eyes, trying to see if there was a genuine answer there somewhere. "not until right now, i had no idea or any ideas that they were pregnant, they left me." Erik said in disbelief. "Okay then." She tries to compose herself as she storms off. "don't you dare come close to her again, idc if u have helped you, you have hurt her, US....way more than you could ever imagine." Peter clams his voice down as he also storms off.

Erik just stood there in silence, trying to understand what had happened and what his actions had done. Currently Lorna was outside, it was already 11:34pm so she knew no one would be up. she sat down on the staircase and just cried letting everything out. She trusted Erik but at the same time she understood that he didn't know but peter?? keeping a secret like that for so long hurts her. pained her in many ways then one.  she felt someone sit next to her on the stairs and to her surprise it was Erik. "What do you want?"

"I didn't know about you or Peter, this is as much new, news to me as it's to you." Erik places his hand on her back. "you could've checked in or done something, there were so many ways to go with it, i don't know." she whispered the last part. she really couldn't blame anybody cause it was no one's fault, things happened and she believed that is what makes someone become a better person. "would you have stayed if you knew." "In all honesty yes and no, I had to work here most of the time you were alive, I wouldn't have been a good dad." "don't say that if you haven't even tried it." she wipes her tears off and looks at Erik.
so many emotions, so many thoughts running through her head at once but she cannot explain how happy she was to meet her father even though she wished hell upon him.

she didn't even say a word. she just embraced him in a hug. All she wanted in life was for her dad to be there and he finally was. "I'm sorry Lorna, I'll try." He squeezed her tighter, letting her know that she was safe. "Please, Peter and I would really love that." lorna didn't want to let go but she did.

"don't worry, I'll try to make it up to both of you." Erik smiles and walks away. "That's it, is that all he is gonna say." lorna thought to herself. Erik found himself in quite a complicated situation here but quickly ran to his room. Frustration came over him and started to throw punch after punch at the wall, he knocked things over, he didn't want to stop taking his anger out but he did. He just slid down the wall and continued with his thoughts. Lorna was just laying down on the grass looking up at the stars. she slowly started to fall asleep.

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