chapter 1- Misson

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Nightmares POV

'Hmmm, I think I have a new mission..' I thought to myself. "BOYS! TO THE THRONE ROOM NOW!" I yelled. A few seconds later I seen killer and dust fighting each other to get to the throne room first. Dust got there first and killer didn't look too happy. Then horror and error teleported. They them made a horizontal line, just waiting for me to tell them why I called them here. "So..boys...I have a new mission.."

Killers POV

"So..boys...I have a new mission.." nightmare said, I got curious, and I could tell the others did too. "I've heard that the star sans have invited lust and classic to join them.. They are staying at Flowertale" He said, I could see that horror was a bit surprised that they asked lust to join them. "We are going to spy on them, and ruin it we don't need them having more members. I will be going with you,just in case anything happens, understood?" "Yes, boss" we said "good.." he said "we leave in 20 minutes, go get ready" we nodded. I left down the hall to go get ready. I opened my door and grabbed my coat. I almost left but then I remembered that I needed my knife. So I went back into my room and went up to my night stand (which has a drawer) and opened my drawer, revealing my knifes, I grabbed my best knife. Which was also my sharpest. I was about to grab my pocket knife, since I always bring it on Missons, but I thought since boss is going to be there so I won't need it. I then went to the kitchen to get some candy, but boss was there and I didn't want to cross his path, specially alone. I actually did something I know I would get in alot of trouble if he knew, so I'm staying out of his way to NOT get killed. Nightmare did leave, after yelling "5 minutes" so I made  my move and went to get the candy, I was in trouble not to long ago, so boss had to take away my candy, so he put it on top of the self, above the cups and plates. But since I was a bit to short (WAY TO SHORT) I' couldn't reach it, I had to climb on the counter and then stand in my tippy toes to just barely reach my Skittles, I was still in trouble for another day so I'm not allowed to do this but here I went, I started to climb on the counter..step 1 complete. I then started to stand up on the counter, I slowly started to stand on my tippy toes..and..I just nearly have touched it... And... 'YES! I've touched it!' I thought 'now I just got to get it down..' as I was flicking it trying to get it down I pushed it up more 'GOD FUCKING DAMN IT AHAHAHABSNDHSHIFHDISBDLAGSBDJDKDJSHSH!!' I now had to jump to get it, which was a bit risky.. but oh well. I started to get ready to jump.. then I jumped, I felt my feet lift off of the counter I grabbed the Skittles but I grabbed the self too.. which fell knocking off all the cups and plates, I fell with them I was preparing for the fall. Which made me squeeze my eye shut, but after a few seconds of no fall I opened my eyes to see me floating and all the plates and cups, 'wait who's magic is this?' I asked myself I looked at the color of the magic..It took me a second to figure out the color then I realized that it was bosses magic..I knew I was in trouble...

Here is the color:

"Killer what in the living FUCKS LORD WERE YOU DOING?!""U-uhm

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"Killer what in the living FUCKS LORD WERE YOU DOING?!"
Nightmare put all the cups and plates back on the self and grabbed me with one of his tentacles
"killer what the fuck were you doing just now?!" Nightmare said a bit angry, I stayed quiet trying to think on how I was going to get myself out of this
"I-" nightmare squeezed me more making me  exhale a bit and Rather fast,
"I will ask you again, Killer, what. We're. You. Doing. Just. Then?!" He said squeezing me tighter each word he spoke
"I-I 'n tbreath.." was all I could get out before it started going blurry. I could feel my eyes slowly starting to close I knew I was about to pass out. Nightmare noticed and threw me against the wall and then turned around "killer, ha, you're pathetic! Get up we are leaving NOW" he said and left I tried to get up but fell back down, my spine was hurting really bad, horror and dust came to yell at me about how I'm not going in the portal fast enough, but once the found me on the floor they rushed to me. "Are you okay?? What happened?" Dust asked me my vision was still blurry though so I was struggling seeing who it was, if it wasn't for their voice I wouldn't be able to tell who was who and who they were. "Nightmare threw me, I'm probably going to be in trouble " I told them as they helped me up "HURRY UP" we heard nightmare yell thought the portal "sorry boss!" Dust yelled back we all walked through the portal "alright boys we are going to look for them, since I don't know where they are" "yes, boss" me,dust and horror said, "oKaY sUrE" error said with a bit of sas. Error really wasn't like us, nightmare really can't hurt him since error kinda just started helping us. "Okay now go" nightmare said "dust you start looking for them on the streets, horror you start looking for the in the shops and stuff error start looking above and killer... You will start checking around the Forest. Now go" he said and we all left, well except for me, I wasn't having the easiest time walking, and actually I fell down a hill into some flowers Nightmare was probably watching above on that hill, not watching me just looking around he actually pulled out a book. I just got up the best I could and started to look around the Forest.

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