chapter 8- A book, no a PICTURE BOOK

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(btw the meeting was finished and nightmare had to leave for a day)

Killers POV

Well since nightmare had to leave for a day, he said we was GOING to put me in charge, but instead he put error in charge, BIG MISTAKE! Error isn't even here basically!! It's not fair! 'ugh! I so ANGRY! I'M SO ANGRY THE NEXT THING I SEE, IM GONNA EAT!' and I went out side to the garden. 'oh shit...well sorry little bud..' I seen a bunny. And with that I threw my knife landing in right between the bunny's rib cage. It was in so much pain. I couldn't do it. I couldn't peel the skin off, take the bones out and eat the meat, that's just too much work.

So I just ate the rabbit alive.

I got bored and teleported to my room. 'hm what to do..?' I thought, and then I went outside of my room to the kitchen, where I seen cross. 'oh yeah...I never told cross that I even LIKED nightmare..'. "hey cross! Can you follow me to my room?" "Oh uh, sure!"
And with that I had cross following me to my room. I opened the door and closed it behind us. Cross sat on my bed and gave me the look that said 'did you murder someone and need me to hide the body?'. "So what's up?" Cross asked as I sat next to him in the bed. "S-so I never got to tell you...that I-I..okay lemme calm down.." I said "take your time..". I took a few deep breaths in, and out. "O-okay.. I think I'm ready.." cross nodded.

"So.. I wanted to tell you this last time..but dream texted you to come over, or something. But I wanted to say..I-Im *ᵐᵘᵐᵇˡᵉˢ*"  "what? Speak up killer" cross told me "imgayandilikenightmareandweareactuallydatingpleasedontgetmadatme!" I said, super fast "slow down" "I-I'm.. I'm gay a-" "oh! actually I am too!" Cross said cutting me off. "Sorry, continue." "I-I like nightmare..and we are dating..." I said. "Cool! Wait...our boyfriend's hate each other....oh yeah! I'm dating dream!" He said "I- I didn't expect that.." I said.

"Oh yeah! I'm going to dreams house by the way!"
"Dream has a house??"
"Yeah! It's in dreamtale!"
"Why are you going to his house? And I thought he lived at the star sans base?"
"Well he doesn't live with them, and really, it's inks house, but they all live separate."
"Well I got to go, bye killer!"

Cross said and teleport away. I looked at my clock, and read '11:41? Dang I should be in bed-' I said. I was going to go to bed in my room, but then I got up and I heard some...noises..I realized what they were and blushes a bit from embarrassment. I quickly ran to nightmares room and made sure the door was closed. He hated his door being opened, I never knew why. I got into his bed and pulled the covers over me, it was a pretty nice room, he had a clothes closet, and one that probably had books in it.

+$72+time skip+72$+

Killers Pov

I woke up from some noises, that weren't coming from dusts room and DEFINITELY wasn't blue. I checked the time. '12:00 am?' I only slept for a few minutes that means but as I looked up I seen nightmare, shirtless. 'OH GOD HE'S SHIRTLESS ' I thought and blushed, he must've not noticed I was there because he was going to take off his shorts when I made a little noise, it must've startled him because he whipped his head around and looked at me. I was still, SUPER red. He was also blushing. He whispered to me "hello, my queen, why are you in here?" He asked before turning around to face me. "Oh I couldn't sleep in my bed" I whispered back to him, that was obviously a lie, I knew he knew that. He started walking towards the bed then getting into his bed. "Okay what's the real reason?" He said smiling "I missed you and wanted to sleep in here." I told him "okay, well good night my queen, I love you" he said. I rolled over so my back was facing him, he started to spoon me, and ofc I was the little spoon. "Good night, I love you, to".I said and we closed our eyes and fell asleep.

No one's POV

Nightmare had to go to the store today to get groceries. Meanwhile killer still asleep in his room, slept untill he was done shopping and on his way home. Killer woke up and sat up. He crawled out of nightmares bed and started to stretch. 'That was the best sleep I've gotten in years!' he thought to himself. 'I actually haven't explored nightmares room before' and with that killer started to look around he looked at nightmares work desk, and he looked at nightmares bed. Nightmares bed had drawers so killer started to open each drawer. Turns out they were all filled with clothes. Nightmare pulled into the castles garage with his batmobile looking car and grabbed all the groceries and carried them inside to the kitchen.

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