chapter 5-

388 11 15

I'm a bit lazy rn so-

So basically killer stayed with the star sans again and went to meet the ppl again. But killer stayed with them for like a week and forgot about nightmare and stuff. And now he's thinking of going back.

Killers POV:

I was saying my goodbyes to the star sans and told them I would be back sometime soon, ink enjoyed me there, and was the most comfortable with me there, blue didn't mind me too much, just was a bit suspicious of me, and dream?
Dream really, REALLY didn't like me there. He must've thought I would tell on them to nightmare where there base is.

I grabbed my stuff and teleported to my room, I heard feet running a few seconds after and I cracked my door to peak out. They were running to the throne room. There must've been a new mission I was about to go back when cross grabbed me and started to drag me to the room with the others. I hid behind him in hopes that nightmare wouldn't see me, I knew I couldn't just leave the throne room back to my room. And if I teleported I would take cross with me. "We are going to flowertale, It a 'day off' go do whatever you want, or almost whatever you want. Just stay in Flowertale, and don't kill anyone." And with that nightmare opened the portal cross tried to hide me as best as he could but nightmare seen me. He grabbed me and pushed cross in telling him to go. "I'll deal with you later, understand?" He told me, I nodded yes and he threw me into the portal and then followed me in. I was going to avoid the bar area but then I seen the monsters at the place I wanted to go. ',well I guess to avoid them...I can walk around them?' I thought to myself and started walking.

As I walked down the hill I seen so many flowers. I seen a little flower shop and wanted to check it out, it wasn't too close to them, so I went in and started to check it out. There were so many flowers, but the one that caught my eye was a " Kanjō no hana" (definitely did not just copy and paste that from Google translate) 'hm? What does th-' "hello! Something catch your eye?" Someone who I think was working there said to me "oh! Um yes, this one here." I told them "oh that one, it's kinda new but it acts off over emotions, it's translated to emotional flower. Would you like one?" "Oh um yeah, sure!" I said. I then paid them and they handed me the seed in a little bag, and a hand book. I thanked them and walked out. I almost forgot that I was walking in the direction of that bar when out of nowhere I was tackled to the ground, "hey! What the hel-" I Cut myself off. It was THEM.. 'oh fuck no, this is MY day off and I'm already in trouble with boss' "aw, came to see us? Did you just want more?~" the one on top of me said "n-no! Get off!" I said trying to shove him off, but I did nothing. ".. Ay, I heard you're a sans? Right? So that means you have magic?" He said. The truth is, is that ever since I made that stupid deal with chara, my magic weakens me and brings her closet to me..that's why I carry my knife with me. The guy on top of me grabbed me and picked me up by the collar, and slammed me against the bar wall. He was taller then me plus he was picking me up a bit higher then his head. I couldn't breathe, and I was dangling a few feet from the ground. Hot tears fell from my cheeks. I was about to kick him when my feet went stiff. "Hey, do you remember that collar and bracelets we put on you, cutie? Well there's some on your ankles, too". He leaned closer to my face and start to take off my coat when all of a sudden he dropped me. I gasped for air and looked up to see nightmares tentacle. Nightmare was walking into my view when he threw the guy. He looked rather..angry? "Come we are leaving everyone else has already went back." He said, seconds before grabbing me.

"What were you doing with them?" He asked me. I didn't respond. I was Zoning out he must've asked me that a few times because when I snapped out of it he had yelled my name and we were back at the Castle, going to the dungeon. As he walked downstairs to the dungeon I couldn't help but feel.. scared? He put me down and told me to take off my coat, 'crap. My coat is the only thing hiding my cuts' "killer take it off now." "O-okay..boss" I said and slowly took off my coat revealing my cuts and bruises.

Nightmares POV

As killer took off his coat he had a lot of cuts and bruises..why did my stomach feel weird.. I wasn't sick...right? No I had no other effects of any sicknesses.

"Y-Yes boss?"

I slowly walk towards him, seeing as he had fear in his eyes. I slapped him. I don't know why. But as my hand left his cheek I could see a hand mark, MY hand mark and..blush?

"I-I'm sorry, boss?"
"Why didn't you tell me about them?.."

I could feel a emotion I haven't felt in awhile.. sadness. I felt a tear role down my cheek I put my hands on killers shoulders making him flinch and pulled him into a hug. I could feel killers face getting warmer.. I felt my face get warm. Was I..blushing? I heard killer had a crush on me but didn't think it was true...and it wasn't.. right? Killer must've been tired because he fell asleep in my arms. I teleported outside of his door but then I walked away with killer over my shoulder sleeping. I brought him to my room and as I closed the door I seen cross walking pass eyeing me, god their friendship was too strong, and had such positivity. I laid him on my bed and just looked at him. So powerless, so... innocent? He would've been better if he joined the star sans..

(A/N note:
Hello everyone! So far this is more just a thing I write when I'm bored (which is most of the time) But I've started to write whenever I can. So if I'm not writing I'm most likely reading, and also if you have any books you would like me to check out, just comment them! And oh look at that! (I am definitely not trying to get the word count as high as I possibly can)

But anyway here is the word count

Word count: 1185

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