Chapter 4- Idk-

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Nightmares POV

As I brought killer into my room I heard cross yell my name "Night- I-I mean boss!" "What do you want cross?" I asked him. "W-what are you doing with killer?"

(Nightmare- Text goes here)
(Cross- Text goes here)

"Why does it matter?"
"Because he is my best friend, what did you do to him?"
"I didn't do anything, but if he's your best friend do whatever you want with him"
I said and then I gave cross killer

Cross POV

Boss gave me killer and left into his room I quickly took him to my room to heal him. I took his jacket off and then his shirt, I realized That his soul wasn't showing..I started to panic. I quickly looked at his HP to see, he had full HP... I sighed in relief and was about to heal him when I noticed the his arm... His arm has been fractured.. I started to heal it to where it was almost healed fully, but it took a lot of magic. I then was about to rest when I seen killer had bruises on him. 'was he training?' I then started to heal his bruises so those didn't cause him pain.

_-time skip-_

Killer seems to have woken up. "Killer! Are you okay??" I asked him "oh.. I'm fine.." he said following it with a smile "that's good to hear, I got you some rock candy, I know you like them...right?? You do like them??"

(Cross-Text goes here)
(Killer- Text goes here )

"Yeah I like them"
"Oh, okay that's goold, oh here I also heard boss took away your candy so that's why I got you this"
"Aww thank you, cross!"

I handed him the candy and he took it.

Killers POV

Cross handed me the candy and I took it, I then unwrapped it and started to eat it. "So, how did I get here?" I asked "oh boss was going to take you to his room but I stopped him..and now you here!" "Oh.." "what's wrong, killer?" I sighed.. "can..I tell you something..and you won't tell anyone else..or laugh at me?" I asked cross he nodded "yeah sure" 'here goes nothing' "I-I um I like..." I started to mumble "what? You like? You started to mumble" cross told me "you don't have to tell me now, take your time" "I wanna tell you now..just give me a second, stay here" I told him and I got up. I went to the bathroom and sighed. I started to cry "God damnit, cross.." I whispered, the truth was that I've like nightmare for a while now, and I knew cross liked nightmare too. I wiped my tears and went back to my room. "You ready to tell now?" Cross asked. I nodded. "Um so -" I was cut off by a dinging sound from his phone "oh hold on.." he told me, so I waited. "I am so sorry, dreamy wants me to come over" cross said and then teleported away. I sighed and got up to go to the kitchen.

:At the kitchen:

As I walked into the kitchen I seen Error. "Oh hey error" "oH hEy KiLlEr" I went over to the fridge "oh God damnit" "hM? wHaTs In ThErE?" "Horror left something...' special ' In here-" I then seen a chocolate bar, it must've been Cross's but I NEEDED it, I'll buy him more some other time.. I took the chocolate bar "HeY tHaTs CrOsS's"
"I know"

I then teleported to my room and ate the chocolate. I looked at my window... I just couldn't get THEM out of my head. I started to cry and then nightmares words came back into my head  "weak and pathetic" I could hear it.. just repeating over and over and over, like he was hear.. saying it to me. I couldn't take it I needed to have something else to focus on. I looked at my knife drawer...I pulled out the drawer to see my knifes..I sighed. The last knife I used for this I accidentally threw away while hiding it from boss. I grabbed one I no longer used. I would have to go shopping for more knifes but this works for now. I grabbed it and took a deep breath in and held it. I then slit my wrist. I could feel my face getting hot I then exhaled and put my knife away. Now I had something to think about for a while. I sighed. I can't believe out of everyone in the group I enjoy pain, I'm supposed to be the happiest, most innocent bad sans...Hell I've heard sans from different Au's they thought I was "pure"... Heh... "EVERYONE ITS 10 GO THE FUCK TO BED" nightmare said. I knew I had to go to bed I just went to bed.

°•√∆Time skip to the next day∆√•°

Still killers POV

*Yawn*  'hm? What was I supposed to d-..wait FUCK ITS TODAY' I quickly got up and ran over to boss "h-hey boss?? Can I go to flowertale??" I quickly asked him "why?" He asked "oh because I wanted t-to um.. explore it..?" "Fine" he said and opened the portal "sorry..but can know the cords?" "Fine sure here" he wrote something on a piece of paper and handed me it "now go". I walked into the portal and he closed it behind me.. 'I really don't want to do this... I'll just me a toy to them..' I started to walk to the spot....
...the same thing that happened last time happened again..but it hurt.. I was in more pain.. left with more bruises..

'why me..? I hate myself why did I do this..'

I realized that I wasn't supposed to be out this late. 'god fuck me' I knew I was going to be punished.. I really can't do this today.. I'll just stay at inks. I texted ink that I was going to stay there, or more if It was okay he told me it was so I teleported to the couch and slept.

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