Chapter 2- Sneak

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Killers POV

I followed him down the hall to the basement and then to the dungeons. "Take off your coat" nightmare said "can I keep I on?" I asked "fine" he said after that he told me to get ready, he grabbed me with one of his tentacles and started to squeeze me getter tighter and tighter each second basically, I started to blush when it started to get a bit too tight. Nightmare didn't know I enjoyed pain, that I was a Masochist. I knew he was a sadist, but so did everyone else. A minute later he was squeezing me so tight that I was start to black out right before I did I heard boss say "Wow killer, I can see your blacking out, but you've made it the longest out of anyone here, good job." And then I passed out. When I woke up it was 11:30 so I knew it was a few hour that I was passed out. I also knew that nightmare and everyone else was sleeping. I Remembered that I needed to meet ink. I grabbed the note and read that address. I then slowly opened my window and got out of it then slowly closed it.

-time skip bc I'm ✨LAZY✨-

Still killers POV

I had just arrived to the au that it was in. It was hidden apparently so that's why the gang could never find it. I didn't want to see dream nor blue right now so I choose a random window and started to try and open it, well I guess it was fragile because I leaned on it a bit and it broke, shattered in pieces and then I fell in. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs rather fast. I looked to see who it was. I seen dream, then blue. They clearly were NOT expecting me because blue pulled out a bone and dream got his bow and arrow I started to get up when I looked over and seen classic waking up. He woke up and saw me, Me first before anyone else. He then teleported to be, and he had a rather sharp bone in his hand, I gotta admit, I thought it was kinda hot.. but anyway he put the sharp end of the bone up to my neck, so it was just almost poking me. I then heard footsteps coming downstairs "sorry classic, I'll be back"I said and I teleported behind blue and dream, blue heard me and whacked me in the head with the dull end of the bone he was holding. they all turned around and looked at me, My vision went blurry real quick and I could tell I had a scared face on, and that was because the way how dream and blue and classic were standing reminded me of what happened with the people at Flowertale the footsteps were finally GETTING VERY CLOSE I looked over expecting ink but no cross came down "CROSS?!" I yelled, I heard footsteps then thuds I knew ink just fell down the stairs so I teleported to the bottom of the stairs to catch him "AhHHHhHhhhH!!" Ink yelled. I caught him. "Killer!" Ink said with excitement, "uh so are we not gonna realize killer just broke in and killer and ink are friends?? An- WAIT-" dream said he then went up to blue and whispered "I think ink and killer are dating!" I heard him and my face started to turn red, not because I liked him but because I was embarrassed. "I invited killer over after what happens at the cafe, we were going to talk, c'mon kille- hm.. c'mon Killey!" Ink said "um okay ink!" I said and we went upstairs to his room. "So why did you cut your leg, and what were you doing there?" Ink asked patting the space on the bed next to him. I sat down and explained to him what had happened, he told me he was so sorry that happened to me and that I should stay the night with cross, I told him okay.

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I fell asleep on the couch, I then realized unlike cross I had no excuse to why I was gone, and I knew he would be at my door trying to wake me up, coming in and seeing me not there. It was 3pm so I knew that nightmare is looking for me I wrote ink a note and left to go back home, or to the castle. I had to be careful because I teleported right at the other end of the hall that my room was in I quickly slipped in my room facing the door on the other side, I closed the door and put my head on the door then sighed. "Y-" I heard a voice behind me, out of reflex I grabbed the knife in my pocket throwing it at the voice I then looked behind me to see nightmare, and my knife in his tentacle..I knew I was fucked "As I was saying You weren't in your room where were you?" Nightmare asked I just ignored him, or he thought I was zoning out then all of a sudden. Something hit me in the back of my skull, "ah!" "Killer" nightmare said "shut up" I said on accident, I was still recovering from the incident but that was no way for me to talk "I-I just want to be alone..." I said quickly after. "Alright..FINE but no candy for you" he said and left.
Sorry this chapter was short but I really want to write the next chapter!

Word count: 950

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