chapter 9- Smut 😳

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Btw this is my first time writing smut, so it's probably gonna be bad-

Killers POV

"Okay~ but there's no turning back~" nightmare said before pushing me onto his bed. I had formed a females body already. Nightmare didn't hesitate to pull down my shorts and boxers. He then leaned in for a deep kiss, taking of his shorts and boxers. He put his hand up my shirt making me flinch. He broke the kiss and Whispered into my (non existent) ear "you ready?~" he said, "mhm" I nodded yes. Nightmare stuck his member into me, as much as he could, I hitched my back and moaned so loud. I didn't even get to see how big it was, but it HAD to be like, 2 rulers long (24 feet or something-) I didn't know how much was in me but obviously all of it..right?? No, I looked down a bit and only the top half was in. 'HOW?!' I thought. He started to go in and out, pretty slow, but I was still moaning "h-how i-is it s-so long- ah!~" I asked him as he went a bit faster. No reply. I started to moan pretty loud I think because nightmare looked worried and then kissed me and didn't break it for a bit. I heard walking near his room, I forgot we haven't told anyone yet.

He broke the kiss and I gasped for air. He went near my neck, I thought he was gonna whisper something in my ear (...) But no, he actually licked my neck making me moan a bit louder and flinch my face was SUPER red. ( 🍒🍅) He was licking my neck until he found my sensitive spot. The second he licked that I moaned pretty loud, plus I was already moaning. nightmare then bit my neck, and I moaned even louder. Then he started to give me a hickey. But it wasn't one, it was like 6.

I knew he was teasing me by not going faster, I knew he wanted me to tell him to go faster. "F..faster, please.." I manged to say, nightmare smirked and did as I asked. Which brought me to moan louder. Not only did he go faster he stuck more of 'it' in and went harder. I could fell tears of painful pleasure rolling down my cheek. I could tell I was getting near my end, but nightmare shown no sign of stopping yet. I tried my best to hold it in, I could feel nightmares starting to twitch. I couldn't hold it anymore "I-I'm cu-cumming!!" I said, making nightmare go a bit faster. And then I came, but nightmare wasn't done yet. So he kept thrusting. He whispered in my ear, "do you want me to cum in or out?" He asked me. "I-In.." I manged to say. Nightmare started to thrust faster and then he went in all the way and I couldn't hold my voice back, I moaned so loud, I bet everyone in outertale heard. Nightmare cummed in me making me twitch. He took it out and kissed me.

I put my shorts back on.

"Are you okay, Love?" Nightmare asked me.
"Y-yeah.." I replied "I'm gonna go run myself a bath." I said and the I went to get up
"Wait! Kille-" nightmare said trying to stop me from getting up. The second I stood up and let go of the bed I fell, luckily night caught me. "R-right..can't w-walk" I said whispering, but loud enough for nightmare to hear.
"Here, I'll help you run your bath, alright?"
"O-okay" I said.

Nightmare got out of the bed like nothing had just happened, lucky top.. and he went to his bathroom and ran me a bath.
"Alright, here you." He said, putting me on the sink counter.
"W-wait, nighty?" I said, getting his attention, "yes?"
"C-can you help me get undressed?" I asked, a bit embarrassed.
"Sure" he said coming over to me and taking off my shorts and shirt.
"Do you need help getting into the bath?" He asked me.
"I-I don't think I will" I said getting off the counter and almost falling, again.
"Yeah no," nightmare said picking me up and putting me into the bath "call me if you need anything." He said before leaving.

Hello, hope this wasn't complete trash-
Anyway I'm probably gonna die if my friends see this, since they think they know my account-


Word count:760

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