Chapter 3- Help!

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Killers POV

I remembered that the guys who raped me wanted me to meet them back at Flowertale, ha! Like that was going to happen I took a nap and when I woke up everyone was asleep so I tried to go back to sleep back I felt something, I got up and I seen my window was open, 'weird..' I thought and I closed my window, but just as I closed it someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth before I could yell. I tightly shut my eyes and when I opened them I wasn't in my room I was I'm some type of cell I had hand cuffs on and I was almost naked I looked up and see the guys who raped me. 'oh fuck' I thought to my self, 'they kidnapped me..'

•×a few days later•×

They were beating me,over and over again saying that I should've came to flowertale and if I'm not there in 5 days they will kill someone in the castle and kidnap me again.

Nightmares POV

It's been a few days and no sigh of killer, we've looked and looked but nothing, it's like he died a- I realized that ink made a au which monsters who have died go to so I went there, just to check.

+1 hour time skip+

So I know he isn't dead, so where is he? Why do I feel so good? I should be sad or Angry, upset, but I feel good? God I hate my life.

Killers POV

They said they were going to let me go if I promise to meet them at Flowertale,its not like I can't go, 1.they know where I live and 2.they put these tracking bracelets and collar on me, which can only be removed by them basically. So after I said I promised that I would be at Flowertale in 3 days they sent me back. I heard a lot of the gang yelling my name inside and outside I had my clothes back on but I still felt naked, I didn't want to be seen. Of course though I tripped and made a thud in my room, I got under my covers and I heard the door open I looked to see who it was and it was cross, "KILLER!" he yelled getting error, horror, and dusts attention they all came into my room and asked me where I was I told them I had to do something for my chara, but really I don't give a shit about my chara. They believed me though and called nightmare back. 'fuck I'm going to be in so much trouble' nightmare came back and told everyone else to go do something else, and told them about a Misson the could do, "so-" nightmare was caught off guard by something.

Nightmares POV

"So-" I was. About to say something but I was caught off guard by killers negativity but I have always hated killer because he made me weaker with all that positivity, this was the strongest negativity I've felt in a few years. I felt so good. "So..,uh killer where were you?" I asked him "I-I" he said stuttering. "I-I'm  not going to tell you! You don't own me y'know!" He said, this was the first time he talked to me like this "oh yeah? Follow me" I said Killer looked a bit scared when I said that but he obeyed, I opened a portal to an empty Au, I then closed the portal once killer was in, the au was rather small with closed in walls killer just stood there he knew he had to get punished for how he spoke to me I looked at him and smiled I grabbed him with my tentacle and I was about to throw him so hard so I would only have to do it once but as I got ready to throw him I felt a tear on my tentacle, I looked over at him, my smile has faded "killer? Are you..crying?" I asked he looked rather terrified, he was trembling too. Killer realized that I noticed he was crying and he turned his head so he didn't have to look at me. "N-no cr-crying is weak a-and pathetic..." He said,.I was a bit confused but realized that I told him that I was a bit offended and killer could see that, he was once again with a terrified look on his face. I was going to throw killer much harder now but before I could killer grabbed my tentacle, I stopped, my tentacles were actually one of my sensitive spots, or weakness I couldn't let killer see be as weak. So I asked him "what's wrong now?!" "P-please..." He mumbled under his breath which pissed me off.

"Killer I hate mumbling you know this" I said
"P-please don't thr-throw me.." he told me
"And why shouldn't I? You need to be punished" I said
"A-anything but that.." he told me
"Ugh..fine" I said, and then I slammed him against the wall his target soul started to break 'what..?' I asked myself. Killer started to scream which didn't sound like a Normal scream for him, like he was really hurt. I started to get worried..and it didn't feel good "killer..? Are you okay..?" I asked him, "M-MY A-ARM I CANT  FEel it..." He said before blacking out. I had no choice besides to take him home. I opened the portal to home and tried to go into killers room,  locked 'goddamn it killer'. Since his room was locked I had to take him to mine.

Word count: 961

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