Chapter 6- your dead

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Killers POV

As I woke up I looked around. 'Who's room an I in?' I then seen nightmares crown..'oh, im dead' and I quickly got up to look around a bit. 'I should get out now before nightmare comes back..' and with that I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me when I looked forward there was cross, "what color?" He asked me "what?-" "what color of flowers do you want at your funeral? I mean that's if you even have one -" "why would I have a funeral?" I asked cutting him off. "Because you were in boss's room, he's gonna know, and actually why were you in there?" He asked me "well you see...hold on I actually don't know" I said starting to walk away making cross follow me. "I just woke up in there" I told him, "you didn't touch anything? Right? RIGHT??" he asked getting a hit loud "no! And lower your voice! Boss might hear us-" I bumped into someone cross didn't say anything. "Hey watch were you're... going.." I said lowering my voice at you're. "I'm sorry? Want to repeat that?" Nightmare said "bro are you trying to die?!" Cross whispered a bit loud " shut up" I whispered back. "Meet me" nightmare was thinking "meet me in dreamtale." He said. "Yes, sir" and nightmare walked away. "FUCKK IM DEAD" I whispered "He doesn't let ANYONE go into dreamtale, he doesn't even go into it!" Cross said "well should I go then?!" "Well yes! You are gonna die anyway! So just go!". Cross pushed me a bit and a portal opened and then there nightmare was.

"Let's talk" nightmare said

(Famous words before I die from my mom)

"I-.. okay..." I said sitting down by nightmare.
"Everything, now" nightmare said, "I'm sorry? What do you mean by that, boss?" I asked him. "Call me nightmare, and everything that happened in Flowertale" he told me. 'OMG I CAN CALL HIM NIGHTMARE?!!?!'

-$+$;$-time skip to after killer Told nightmare everything -$;$+$-

"...." "B- I mean nightmare? Are you oka-" nightmare pulled me into a hug. I blushed, like much that this could've been my twin:

 I blushed, like much that this could've been my twin:

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*Click, click* "hm?". Nightmare was already looking around when we saw cross. Silence...

"CROSS DID YOU JUST TAKE PICTURED OF US?!" nightmare yelled at cross 'I- UH YES?? Fuck- YOU GUYS LOOK CUTE TOGETHER??" cross said, smiled and teleported away I looked at nightmare who looked super teal.

-a few minutes later-


-a hour later-

So I don't think nightmare is gonna 'unbreak' anytime soon so.. I leaned in getting closer and closer to nightmare..'what am I doing?..' I asked my self untill I was seconds away from his face. I leaned in and kissed him and the I flinched back 'OH GOD IM GONNA DIEE!! BREADTHEDEAD YOU WERE RIGHT!!'



I started to zone out, but I was snapped back into reality by nightmare shaking me. "C'mon, let's go back" he said as we got up I realized that we were holding hands, nightmare wasn't looking at me but I could tell he was blushing. The portal opened and we walked into the kitchen "I-I'll be in my room" nightmare said taking his hand back and going into his room, 'did he just stutter??' "HeY kIlLeR" "AHHHH" "cAlM dOwN. I hEaRd ThAt yOu KnEw WhErE tHe StAr SaNs bAsE wAs, Is It TrUe?" "Oh error, um I- wait you have a thing for ink right?"
"ShHhHhHhHhH! NiGhTmArE cOuLd HeRe YoU!"
"It's okay but yes or no?"
Error nodded his head 'yes'. "Okay let me ask ink if it's okay." I said and pulled out my phone and texted ink,

"Hey ink do you mind if error knows where your base is? He has a thing for you"

"Uh I guess it's okay..?"

"I'm gonna text you the cords, okay?"

And with that I texted error the cords to there base and he left. I was bored now.

:-$Time skip a few days later, nightmare and killer have grown closer$-:

Still killers POV

"Hey nighty!" "Hm? Oh hey kills..." Nightmare had a hint of blush but I could tell he was thinking of something. "Whats wrong?" I asked him. "Well I have someone I like, but he's just a friend,  or do I thought, do you have any advice?" Nightmare asked.
'does he like someone else..? NAH IM NOT ADRIAN OR WHATEVER HIS NAME IS HE LIKES ME-' "w-well I think you should tell him." I said knowing what I was doing.
Nightmare sighed. "Okay.. I'll do now then k-"


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