Chapter 1

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Winter break was over and it was about as normal as it gets. Bakugou was mostly thinking about the training camp.

Right now Bakugou, and the rest if class 1-A, were outside waiting for their bus and as you could probably figure out, its freezing cold with snow.

Bakugou has his scarf on and his hands are in his pocket. He regrets not taking the gloves his mom offered. He's gonna hear a buttload of "I told you so's." Kirishima and the rest of the bakusquad were next to him being loud and obnoxious. Not only that, but Todoroki was on the other side of Bakugou shooting him small glances. What does he want?

"Hey cheer up Bakugou! Im sure it wont be that bad!" Kirishima said as he put his hand on Bakugous shoulder. The annoyance on his face was definitely showing and Kirishima caught on.

"How can I when Icy hot over here wont stop starin' at me?" He points to Todoroki with his thumb behind him. Kirishima peaks over Bakugous shoulder and wouldn't you know, Todoroki is indeed staring.

"Hey Todoroki!" Kirishima waves and Todoroki waves back. He then starts to gesture for him to come closer.

"DONT TELL HIM TO COME CLOSER!!" Bakugou grits his teeth and fumes start to come out of his head.

"It'll be good for you! You're not gonna pass like this Bakugou." Kirishima pats his shoulder again and turns around to talk with the rest of the idiots. 

Bakugou knows he's right. And at this point, he's just gonna have to suck it up.

"Hi." Todoroki says simply.

"Mm." Bakugou mumbles.

Todoroki smiles. To know Bakugou responded shows that he's at least trying.

Theres a moment of silence, but it was comfortable. That was soon interrupted by Aizawa saying the bus had arrived.

"You have to sit next to your partner!" Everyone groans and whines. Guess they had somebody else they wanted to sit with.

"Lets do our best." Todoroki says. 

Bakugou looks at Todoroki and suddenly a burst of excitement grows. He smiles and says, "Of course were gonna be the best." That wasn't what Todoroki meant, but either way he nodded in agreement.

They were on the bus and Todoroki was reading a pamphlet for the place they're going to. His eyes light up and he looks at Bakugou. Bakugou lifts his eyebrow.

"Its a soba place."


"We should go together."

"Abso-fucking-lutely not."

Todoroki frowns.

Bakugous eye twitches and he rolls his eyes.

"Fine. Don't get your panties in a bunch."

Todoroki smiles and looks back at the pamphlet.

Bakugou feels his cheeks heat up. He turns his body the other way.


Todoroki looks up and tilts his head.

Bakugou starts mumbling a bunch of insults and curse words with his cheeks pink.

Todoroki thinks he probably caught a cold or something.

The two were asleep and both of their heads were resting on each other. The bus had arrived at their destination and they were the last pairing other than Kirishima and Deku on the bus.

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