When You Meet- Laughing Jack

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I love comedy and making people laugh but apparently people didn't want to be happy but I wasn't going to give up. I was busy passing out candy in the fair that I signed out to work in. When one of my friends popped out behind me scaring me.
"WHY YOUR SUCH A PITA!!!!!!!" (Pita, in this case is used as a short handed text for, 'Pain In The then the other word for butt.)
My friend who happened to think it was funny just laughed.
"Fine. You want to be that way I'll play that way.."
I smiled a sickingly sweet smile and started chanting. I had learned that I had the power to raise the dead and it was kinda fun to scare people with. I had just given the last piece of candy out when I heard a little kid scream right behind me. I spun around to see why when all I saw was an abandoned black and white circus tent. We, my best friend and I , slowly crept up to the tent. He/she was shifting into what he/she looks like dead and I, getting some dead ready to attack, I'd needed. When inside the tent all I saw was blackness. Although it did have a rotten smell to it, it didn't seem like there was anything wrong with it.
"B/f/n, I don't see anything how about you?"
I waited for an answer but got nothing. I could still faintly hear his/her breathing so I just figured that he/she was trying to see if he/she smelt something when all of a sudden I was pushed into something. I gasped and spun around expecting to see something there but nobody was there.
"B/f/n!!!! I'm scared can we just leave!?!"
"Aww why leave the party's just begun!?" Someone said and I know that its not my friends voice.
"Fine. How about we play a game?!" I said trying to stay calm and collected but in reality I was having a major brake down.
"Oooo I love games! Okay what type of game shall we play?!"
"Hide and seek. If I win you let my friend and I go. If you win I'll stay here with you forever. Deal?"
The person seemed to be thinking.
"So if I win you stay but your friend goes. Am I right?"
"Yes. That's right."
"Okay. Its a deal."
~ twelve minutes and a lot of colorful words later.~
I was hiding up on the top row of the ceiling beams and I was able to hide my soul wave length with my necromancer powers. ( bear with me guys at the time I don't have internet to look this stuff up and if they can't do that well pretend.)
I was thinking I was going to win this when all of a sudden I felt a strong tug on my foot and fell.
"Holy clown drops!" I yelled.
I was suspecting to be met with the hard floor but felt arms around me instead. I looked up to thank the person and saw that it was this monochrome clown.
"~Hello!~ I do believe I won!" He said while smiling.
What? That's the guy I've been hiding from?
"Wait. YOUR the guy I've been hiding from?!?!"
"Yep and I do believe that you'll be staying here with me. I've already let your friend go out. So let's just start a new. Hello my names Laughing Jack, but you can call me L.j. What's your name?"
"My names Y/n."
"Well welcome to my personal winter wonderland!" He said spreading his arms out wide. That is,after, he set me down.
"Well its better then where I've been...."
"Where's that?"
"Wherever I can find some place to shelter me. After all I'm considered to be an experiment."
"There trying to find a way to dull the effects of the supernatural genes. Therefore you have us, the experiments."
"There are others like you?"
"Not like me but yes there are others who are considered experiments but there all having a jail break rrrriiiigggghhhhttttt.....know!"
"Hhm well I hope to get to know you since where going to have to work together."
"Hhm well I'm just going to sleep...sooo good night L.j."
"Good night Y/n....."

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