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Witney's POV:

I was so excited!!! I can't believe Mark would offer something like that. I was already packing with Lindsay and Jenna, since we all share an apartment.

"So, Wit, anybody you've been interested in lately?" Lindsay asked being her curious self.

"Hmm... I don't know. "

"That's Witney code for yes!" Jenna shouted as if she accomplished something."Is it someone we know?"

"Don't you two have better things to do than mettle in my love life?"

"That's code for yes!" Lindsay chimed in.

"Wait a minute, is it Mark?" Jenna questioned.

"Why would it be Mark?" Lindsay replied confused.

"Because she blushes when he compliments her, and he's her best guy friend, and I've caught her staring a few times. Plus, I think Mark has a little crush on her. "

"Mark would never like me like that. "

"Aha!" Jenna shouted! "That means you DO like him! I knew it!"

"Ok fine. Maybe I like Mark a little, but he for sure doesn't like me back. "

"Oh sweetie you can never say never." Lindsay said giggling.


Mark's POV:

Val was over at me and Derek's house since he finished packing. I was actually surprised that everyone agreed to go on the road trip. I was lucky my parents had two RVs we could borrow.

"So, Mark, how's it been since your break up? Find another girl yet?" Val questioned breaking the surprisingly comfortable silence.

"I've actually taken it surprisingly well. So has Jean. And I'm not sure, there are lots of fish in the sea. What about you two?"

"I've been dating Jenna for a week and it's going great! She's so sweet and for some reason I think I'm obsessed with her hair. I have no idea why, but I love it."

"You're weird man. " Derek chimed in. "I've been trying to get ahold of Bethany to tell her about how I feel. and Mark, it's so obvious you like Witney. "

"Yeah it really is. "

"Whaaaaat?" I said my voice getter higher than it's usual pitch. Darn it. Now they would know I liked her.

"Yep. He does. Is that why you planned this trip?" Val asked.

"Maybe. "

"Dude! You are so desperate! You should tell her that you like her. I'm sure she likes you back. I mean whenever you joke around she blushes like mad man.

"We'll see. " Was all I said before I got a text from Witney.

W: hey the girl and I r finished packing. I txted the others and they r done too. You guys ready?

M: just sec let me check with the guys

W: k

M: yep! All ready 😊

W: so just meet at your place?

M: correct

W: k see u in a few 👋

M: see ya ✌️

I was so ready for this trip. I couldn't wait.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok I think I'm doing another chapter tonight. I hope you guys don't mind me updating so often 💚

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