Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers

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"You're such an asshole!" Dustin shouted as you laughed.

"Dusty! Language!" Your mother gasped, peaking . "Y/N, doing whatever you're doing stop!"

"You heard her! Stop," Dustin smirked.

"I'm not doing anything-"

"Give it back!" His smile dropped into a scowl, jumping up to try to reach your raised arm. "I'm late for the D&D campaign."

"Just reach up and grab it," You raised a brow. You loved annoying your little brother. Partially because he was just an adorable little kid but mostly because he loved to annoy you just as much. But you both knew if anyone were to so much as look at him the wrong way in front of you, you wouldn't hesitate to break their nose.

His eyes quickly darted behind you, making you turn around to see absolutely nothing out of the ordinary behind you.

"Y/N, don't make me use the power of the D&D league against you," He warned. "We might be small but we're mighty."

"First of all, wow. I'm so scared of a bunch of 9 year olds-"

"We're 12."

"Whatever. And what's the big deal anyway? It's just a damn doll," You smirked, making him gasp dramatically as he placed a hand on his hip.

"That is not a doll," He spoke with offense, using his free hand to point at you as continued. "That is a limited edition action figure that can't be touched because your nasty human hand oils will ruin the paint- You know what? Whatever. I tried to warn you. GET HER!"

"I- What? Who are you talking to- OW! FUCK!" You heard his group of friends scream before they all attacked, two knocking you on the couch as another one grabbed the doll.

"Y/F/N! Language!" Your mother called.

The boys cheered before all running off into the front yard. You looked through the window and smiled at their cheers as your brother held up the action figure victoriously. "Why do you give him such a hard time?"

"Because I'm his big sister. It's part of the job description," You shrugged, walking into the kitchen and placing a quick kiss on the top of her head as you made a bee line towards the fridge. "Can I go out tonight?"

"Where to?" She asked, looking over to see you chuckling. "Why do I even bother asking at this point? Yes, you can go out with Robin. What ever happened to Nancy? I thought she was your best friend."

"Key word: was," You sighed, hopping on the counter and watching your mom cook. You opened the bottle of soda and took a long swig before you continued. "Ever since she got with The Hair, she hasn't really talked to me as much. I guess she's just too cool for me now.."

"Well, if it helps any, you're the coolest girl in my book," She smiled over at you, placing a maternal hand on your cheek as she watched you smile. "And the prettiest! And the funniest! And, most importantly, you have the biggest heart I've ever seen. If Nancy can't see that, then I don't think that makes her very cool. I like Robin way more than I ever liked her."

"Aw, shucks!" Robin chimed in. You'd given her a key about a month ago and she used it generously. "You're making me blush, Mrs. Henderson! Ooh, it smells good in here. Whatcha makin'?

Robin smiled as she hopped onto the counter beside you and laid her head on your shoulder.

"Chicken Parm," Your mom grinned. "Wanna stay for dinner?"

"We'd love to, Mom but-"

"No buts! The movie can wait. Let's eat!" Robin interrupted.


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